If you want to boost your website sales to the next level, you've got to think and act like a high-sales marketer. Here's how:1. Think sales not just ...
If you want to boost your website sales to the next level,
you've got to think and act like a high-sales marketer.
Here's how:
1. Think sales not just traffic. Pay-per-click advertising
is a great way to pull targeted traffic. Could anything be
better? In many cases, pay-per-SALE advertising is a better
choice. With pay-per-clicks, you may or may not make sales.
With a pay-per-sale arrangement, there's very little or even
NO risk. You only pay when you make sales. Affiliate programs
and joint ventures are examples. Set up deals where you pay
only for each sale.
2. Persuade traffic become customers. Be sure your website
is doing the best sales job it can. Does your website
persuade 1 percent of visitors to become customers? Can it
do better? This is the most overlooked yet easiest way to
build sales. If you change your website and it converts
2 percent of visitors to buyers instead of the previous
1 percent, you've doubled sales. Make your website persuade
3. Capture prospects. When a visitor comes to your website,
he or she wants something. Yet, 98 out of 100 visitors will
click away from your website without buying. If you can't
make the sale, at least get them to give you their email
addresses. You do this by offering a newsletter or free
report. Once you do this, you have a list of prospects
to contact systematically. You can make sales to them in
the future and without much expense.
4. Follow up with prospects. Don't be content to have a
mailing list and never mail to it. Send a series of emails
to prospects. You can automate this so it doesn't take much
time. And it can be very effective in creating more sales.
5. Follow up with customers. They have already trusted you
enough to buy once. If your product or service is valuable
to them, they are likely to buy again, but only if they don't
forget about you. Stay in contact with your customers.
Don't just send them ads. Send emails that say you care
about their success.
6. Know what works. Most webmasters have no idea what is
or is not working for them. Pay-per-sale advertising makes
this simple, but you probably will use other marketing
methods. That's great as long as you track results. High
sales marketers track their marketing methods to see which
ones brought CUSTOMERS.
7. Do more of what works, whatever it is. It's easy to get
caught up in doing the next great marketing method. Test
other marketing ideas, but keep doing what works. If you
create and distribute a press release and that brings
buyers, do more of this. Keep doing it until it stops working.
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