This is How We Do It!
Do you have a clearly defined product that you offer to people? Lot of service providers don't take the time to create a package or product offer that is consistent and covers most possibilities.
Do you have a clearly defined product that you offer to people? I find that a lot of service providers don't take the time to create a package or product offer that is consistent and covers most possibilities. What happens is they price on the fly. They use hourly rates and provide unique pricing for each prospect.
The problem with this is that often,
these same business owners end up feeling like they didn't price the project successfully. So, what can you do about this?
1. Decide
Decide what your time is worth. Include the time needed for prework, inter-work, and client time.
2. Package
Create packages that cover everything in point 1. You know your business best. How does it work? What is the best way for you to work with your clients?
3. Quote
Quote the packages. This makes it easy for you to provide proposals. You'll find it helps you stay streamlined and productive.
Using a system like this will give you the ability to keep your business running the way YOU want it to. You'll find that people will respond to this process because you are solid in your statements. You'll be seen as professional, structured, and serious. The people who value what you do and want to do business with you will respond positively to this process. Those who don't, won't.
Here's the truth about that. You are trying to draw the ideal client - the one who values what you do and will pay a reasonable price for it. By using this system you will more readily separate the ideal from the rest. Appreciate the difference. Your business will be better for it.
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