Are you a reluctant marketer for your book? Do you avoid the social and selling aspects of self-publishing and promotion?Discover the easy and free way to promote your book. It's still the number one top way--writing and submitting articles to other ezines and Web sites.
Judy Cullins ©2006 All Rights Reserved.
Are you a reluctant marketer for your book? Do you avoid the social and selling aspects of self-publishing and promotion?
Discover the easy and free way to promote your book. It's still the number one top way--writing and submitting articles to other ezines and Web sites.
Ten Tips to Create your Articles That Sell Your Book
1. Use your non-fiction book's chapter how to's or your fiction’s juicy chapter excerpts.
2. Keep your articles around 200-800 words each.
3. Keep your article focused on just one thesis or point.
4. Create a hook for your two or three-sentence introduction. Notice this one asked you a few questions to engage you.
5. Forget the old school of writing for print magazines and getting paid. Follow the internet way-- give your article away like Mrs. Field cookie samples, so people will want to visit the site where you sell your book.
6. Keep yourself out of it. Your audience wants to know what you can do for them. Replace those "I" constructions with "you." "If you are like me...."
7. Number the main points for clarity. People love easy to read how to articles.
8. Collect ten well-edited articles before you blast off. Online readers will look at your more seriously when they see you offer more than one quick thing. They will see you as the savvy expert and click to where you sell your book.
9. Leverage one article into five. Change your audience. Change your number of how to's. Three Tips to... or Five Tips... or The Two Best Ways to....
10. Remember free information is the reason people go to Web sites, so put your articles there as well as in a blog.
Once you get dozens of short articles or excerpts out to high-traffic web sites in your field, you will notice the search engines optimizing your site because they see your important key words that link you, your book, or your service together. Your submitted articles lead to the magic of "viral marketing." The thing is that this is attraction, natural marketing at its best.
Five Unique Content Tips to Get your Ezine Opened and Read
Each of us needs to tweak our e-newsletters with inspiring and useful content.Whether you use Constant Contact or 1ShoppingCart, or send from your own list, you may be losing potential buyers because subscribers want more valuable information and inspiring copy.You Can Quadruple Your Online Sales within 5 Months
As a non-techie article marketing coach for the past 6 years, I discovered the one proven way to keep sales moving up. And, it's ready for you because all you have to do is write a sample in article format of what you offer like Mrs. Field's chocolate cookies.Short Cut Your Book's Success with Self-Publishing
Sad to say, this assumption is not true.You can short cut your book's success with self-publishing.