Using Web Resources to backup your Trade Show Marketing efforts -- During the Show
< ... and Trade Shows, part 2Using Your Web ... to backup your Trade Show ... efforts -- During the Show< d>< r>< able>The question is "How can I use my website to support and enha
< d>Websites and Trade Shows,

part 2Using Your Web Resources to backup your Trade Show Marketing efforts --
During the Show< d>< r>< able>The question is "How can I use my website to support and enhance my presentation at the show?" Two things come immediately to mind:
1. Use Your Website as a Resource at the ShowThe idea is that you have a computer or two set up right at the show where people can look at your product lines and special promotions. This does not its pros and cons -- apart from the obvious cost and inconvenience involved in getting it set up.
Create a special website just for the show and put it right on the computer. No need for an internet connection. Keep it simple. Just focus on the objective at hand, which is to give people a reason to check out your products or services once they get "home". What you're trying to do is generate pre-qualified leads.
Build in a lead generation "system" to collect information on pre-qualified prospects. This could be an online form with the information stored locally on the local computer. Or probably better, just a response card they can fill out and stuff into your response box.
2. Use Your Website as a place to direct ProspectsUsing your website as a reference point for prospects is really a no-brainer, right? Everybody at the show says: "For more information, check out our website." The problem is, with 50 or 100 websites to check out once your visitors get home, yours is likely to get lost in the shuffle.
You must give prospects a reason to look at your website. Create a valuable special offer they can only access online. Make a strong, clear “pitch”. Put it in the form of a "valuable coupon", something like this:
"Get $40 off your next purchase when you register online."This encourages your prospect to keep the handout, and also encourages them to respond by going to your website and having another close look at your special offer.Tie in your online registration form with anautoresponder. So now when somebody registers online, they will automatically be sent a series of messages over a period of weeks or months. This is a perfect way to keep in touch with your prospects without having to worry about it. The system takes care of it for you. All you do is fine-tune the messages and handle the sales enquiries.A "system" like this gives you an automatic advantage over your not-so-organized competitors. What could be better than that?
Related Information: Handouts that Stick Around After the PartyPromoting with Autoresponders