What’s in a name? A rose smells just as sweet under another name!

Apr 26


Paul Ashby

Paul Ashby

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Not only are we trapped in the worst recession in living memory. But behind all this lurks a horror even more shocking; the entire marketing/advertising-economic model of free enterprise, rugged individualism, creative advertising and marketing is broken beyond all hope of repair.

What is the perverse attraction of the Internet?   Why do advertising and marketing people insist in discussing aspects of the Internet endlessly?
Because it is all totally meaningless!
Not only are we trapped in the worst recession in living memory. But behind all this lurks a horror even more shocking; the entire marketing/advertising-economic model of free enterprise,What’s in a name? A rose smells just as sweet under another name! Articles rugged individualism, creative advertising and marketing is broken beyond all hope of repair.
In 1989 the world, from China and Russia to South Africa, India and Brazil, concluded that there was no serious alternative to market forces as a means of organizing productive activity. In 2009 the whole world seems to have reached the opposite conclusion — that free markets and financial incentives together with marketing & advertising, lead even the richest and most sophisticated societies to disaster.
The question we must ask today is not whether Marketing & Advertising is too big or too small, but whether it works at all.
And that most certainly includes the Internet, which is most definitely NOT an advertising medium.
To reinvent advertising and marketing the first thing we have to do is to fully understand the word "communication".  From there comes all else.