What are the words you need to remember when you write a poster message
Words do have an impact, especially when integrated in your marketing collaterals such as posters. We have heard this before from many expert marketers, and we know for a fact that this particular wisdom is true.
Words can do a lot of things to provide emotional response from your target clients especially when utilized at the right time and circumstance. Clearly, your marketing words can make or break your business. Your words are very powerful tools to have in your marketing campaign such as your poster printing.
The choice of words in your marketing message has the power to influence people to act according to your will. If words can make nations rise and fall throughout history, it can very well make your business succeed or fail miserably.
One word that can make your dreams happen is the word 'now'. When used in your posters, your poster printing services provider can tell you that it will help you move your target clients to act right away. It provides a sense of urgency in your posters that even known procrastinators would not be able to help it but respond and act immediately on your offer. To act 'now' on your offer will mean great benefits and rewards to your clients and prospects.
On the other hand, the word 'please' not only allows your target clients to mull over your offer; it also comes off as a request that does not need the urgency for immediate action.
'Free' can also be used to provide that extra punch to your marketing campaign. It can very well move even the apathetic customers since who doesn't want to receive an item free? I have not known of anyone that can resist the word 'free' when attached to a product or service especially if that offer is of value to that customer.
So far, the most significant word for any marketing campaign to be effective is 'you'. 'You' means your clients and prospects. Do not get too preoccupied with trying to make your target audience understand who you are and what your accomplishments are. Instead, give them what they want - the benefits of having your products and services. Rather than talking about your features, give them the answer to their perennial question - what is in it for me? If you focus more on the 'you' rather than the 'I' then your marketing campaign would most likely generate the most leads in the market.
The words you use in your marketing collaterals can be your most powerful ally when it comes to generating leads for your business. Words can make or break you. Not even the most brilliant design can provide the most effective marketing strategy without the necessary words to wrap it all up.