Everybody Was Created Equal

Feb 26


Neel Raman

Neel Raman

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The great thing about being human is that we all have the ability to honour each other’s greatness and respect another person for who they truly are. We are all equal but we’ve been gift wrapped differently. Understanding the importance of our role in the world can make this world a better place.


It's hard to see how anyone could think everyone on the planet is equal given the state of the world and the fighting going on every day. It's difficult to understand how as a global community we can ever reach that point of understanding where we lay down our weapons and greet one another with love and compassion,Everybody Was Created Equal Articles acknowledging each others' right to be here and alive.

And yet it can be possible if you choose it to be so. You can have a direct effect on the community and environment around you. You can share the wisdom you know to be true and challenge other peoples' perception of what true equality is.

Believing everyone to be equal means remembering that under the veneers and facades, creeds, colours and cultures, we all have hearts that bleed. We all have griefs and sorrows. We all feel pleasure and pain, and we have such capacity for love that we could make anything happen. If only we chose it to be so.

But an understanding of basic human rights and freedoms means that we also have to translate that into our daily lives. How can you open your heart to universal love and yet feel ill-disposed towards someone who has different standards of living than you do? How can you profess to your high-flying vision if you don't share its light with everyone else no matter who they are, even the person who irritates you or makes communication a really difficult challenge because of their own anger and grief? How can you wish with your whole heart of global cohesion when there is poverty and segregation in your own home town, and you see street people being harassed by the authorities and yet do nothing about it?

Honouring our equality means that you must put your honourable thoughts into words and actions. Show people by what you say and do that you believe yourself to be equal to anyone and that they, in turn, are your brother or sister. How can you walk by someone who needs a helping hand, without acknowledging your role in making this world a better place and creating links and bonds between all people?

Make the decision today to put your commitment to equality to the test. Make a statement. You really are equal to the challenge. And hold it in your heart that everybody was created equal.

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