Think about your life when you finish reading the article. Did you fullfilled your role for your part in this world until now?
What's the meaning of life? Again the question came to my mind......
I started to question about my own existence..........why do we say "I" exist? What's the meaning for my existence? And what should I achieve or live like after I was born (when I really exist)?
Is life like that? When you are rich, when you tasted all the great food in the world, when you have the best friend in the world, when you have your "happiness"? What's the "REAL" meaning of happiness? Some people may say it's love....then what's the meaning of Love? Some people may say that happiness comes from our heart, the happy time you shared with your friends, the time you spent doing the things you like, or you wanted to do, but what makes u a happy man? The question is: Is that all we got for happiness? Meaning of Life is to be happy? Giving other people happiness? Helping others? Loving others? Making friends? Eat? Sleep? Even we still have to go to school?
What's the "REAL" meaning for all of this? What's the real "Goal" for us human to survive? (we have to eat and sleep to keep ourselves alive) What is it for? For work? For school? For money? For a better life? For the one you love? For the one who loves you? For your friends? OR is it REALLY for yourself?
Existence needs evidence to be proved.....which u cannot really prove..... Time and space may give you the answer? What really happened before the "big bang" in the universe? What is it really outside of what we call "the universe"? If someone says “nothing is outside of the universe”, then we started to imagine the nothingness from the knowledge of what we have already abstract~!!!
Reality is about perception, it's about sounds. We receive information through our senses. What if there is another "world" has the same space and time according to ours that we could not sense? All of these cannot be proved, and cannot be researched or solved......because humans have their limitations.........
What is causality? The causality is from our experience......we saw the same thing happened several times, and we remembered it, then we would expect the same thing to happen again. If you say “X cause Y” and it happened several times. Would it be true that “Y” always follows “X”? No such absolute statement can be said, or either proved....since us humans still have lots of unknowns in "our world" (the world we see, we hear, we feel, we touch)
It has been said: "No such two things are the same in the world." It might be true, just since we never find any two things that are the same. However it doesn't mean that no two things that are exactly the same. Is it because that comparing the difference of the two things are much easier? Or is it we cannot find two things that are the same? Such statement is not perfect, and there is still weak-point in the strongest statement.
It is just because that nothing is perfect, and that's why the world is beautiful. Since we need the ugly ones to compare to the beautiful ones, and we need evil ones to show off the good ones, and such and such........So maybe every bad thing is a good thing to start with. We live our lives by comparing all the time. (E.g. mom says the price of this product is much cheaper in some other shop. I got a higher mark than my friend. This meal is so much better than the last one.) It's just because there are those more expensive prices, lower marks, and awful meals, then we can know what we have now is better. What if we clear out all the bad, ugly, evil, expensive, lower, worse elements? Then we will have nothing to comparing with.....everyone and everything look the same, feel the same, no difference between anything or that the ideal perfect world? No violence, no poors, no rich people, no ugly persons, no beautiful ones, no evils, and pure goods? ...............Is that the world we really want?
The world isn't fair and doesn't mean that you are not needed in this world. No matter whoever you are, everything and everyone is needed we can know the "REAL" difference. The final question is do we still need to improve our world? And can we make it to happen that everyone is equal? However, I don't think there is any means of equality in the world......IT IS JUST BECAUSE "No two things are the same."
However, whatever you are doing now, whatever job do you do, whatever house you live, whatever family you have, whenever you are thinking, and wherever you are, you should be happy for your life. You fulfilled your role in this world from the day you were born until now you are reading this, and you will be fulfilling your role in the future even better. So be happy in your life, and be happy to continue on, and be happy until the end. You are needed in this world no matter of what you do. No matter the things you are doing is wrong or is right. Since there is no REAL definition of what is “right and wrong”. So remember, your doing right might be a “wrong” for someone else, and your doing wrong might be a “right” for someone too.