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In the defeated country, under military occupation and martial law, with unarmed police, two-armed assaulter invaded a house. Assaulters fastened the ...


In the defeated country,Personality Articles under military occupation and martial law, with unarmed police, two-armed assaulter invaded a house. Assaulters fastened the peaceful residents on the chairs and they demanded jewels and money. Francisco the leader moistened seven year-old girl's clothes with alcohol and as he didn't get the jewels set fire in the girl's clothes. A military patrol passing close, hearing the girl's screams, invaded the house. One assaulter reacted and wounded a soldier and was killed by other soldier. Francisco was arrested and taken for attorney's office of the court martial. An anthropologist PhD came to the guard's room and wanted to see the defendant, after one moment the sergeant took her for a meeting room with round table and four chairs. Sergeant presented of left for right. Pedro. Francisco. Otto.The anthropologist sat down, she looked at Pedro, this chewed something and looked at eternity, Otto studied a manuscript and Francisco stared her and seemed to be willing to talk. Anthropologist began the conversation with Francisco. After two hours entered attorney in the room and asked if he didn't cause inconvenience. Anthropologist answered: "It was not inconvenience, I had a conversation with Francisco. Francisco is a very educated person and of a kind, sweet, friendly and impressionable sincere soul, of spirit cultivated with larger care and luminous serenity and with the more noblemen feelings with the fellow creatures. Now I want to talk with the defendant". Attorney answered: "You already talked, defendant is Francisco". The more sordid is the character more kind and friendly the personality. The character is innate and unalterable [it is biological]. The personality is created by the education [it is cultural]. Personality can be molded [wrought]. The character cannot be altered. It is easier to teach a color-blind one to see the colors that to teach an amoral one to be honest. Examples of the recent history: Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Gorbatchov, Osama Bin Laden. Coffee Break®ão Paulo April of 2005 konstantin Otto.