Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit. The Lords of Karma. The awaited Messiahs in Indonesia.
Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit
Indonesia long awaits the saviors,

Satria Piningit and Ratu Adil to show-up on the political stage to usher-in the Golden Age; and she secretly expects the saviors to "glorify" her before the other nations, just as other groups or some other nations egotistically long for the same thing. We would like to emphasize here that emissaries from God do not appear for the progress of a single group, sect, nation, etc.; the "angels" of God march on behalf of the spiritual unfoldment of humanity and the manifestation of God's Will on Earth.
In this chapter we will discuss this subject of Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit in greater detail that has only been touched upon previously.
Ratu Adil
Ratu Adil, is the "Queen of Justice " as translated into English. An improved rendering would be "Goddess of Justice." The goddess is also called Satrio Wirang by some mystics. Many centuries ago her advent and influence was prophesied by Jayabaya, or those appropriating his name, such as Pangeran Wijil who wrote the book, "Jangka Jayabaya" in 1741.
Ever since the prediction was made there have been speculations as to the probable nature or even identity of the goddess, and also her associate, Satria Piningit. There are those that believe that when the time is ripe Ratu Adil would incarnate and live in the physical world as a human being and establish justice in a chaotic and anarchic world.
R. Ng Ranggawarsita, a poet of the "Kraton Surakarta" once wrote that a king would be born in Mecca with symbolic signs appearing such as the "Tujung Putih, Pudak Sinumpet," or "White Lotus Flower, Hidden Bud." The White Lotus Flower supposedly refers to Ratu Adil, whereas the Hidden Bud refers to Satria Piningit.
White lotus flowers have always signified spirituality or divinity to the ancient Egyptians, Hindus, and other cultures. The symbolic signs above could well mean that though she is unveiled, she is yet hidden; or in other words, her influence would be active in the physical world of men but she herself will remain unseen, the reason being that she resides in a different dimension. When mystics mention Mecca, what they are actually referring to is the Kabah, or House of God. In esoteric language, the Kabah symbolizes a high state of consciousness, or a lofty spiritual estate. Considering then, Mecca in conjunction with the other symbols we may reason Ratu Adil to be a divine, spiritual being, a goddess, functioning in a higher world unseen by the physical senses, but active in directing her representatives to work on behalf of Truth, Freedom and Justice.
Some believe that the coming of Ratu Adil simply means that at a future date justice would rule over our hearts and souls, and that our governments would implement Justice and Truth as the voice of their respective nation's conscience. We concur with this belief; however, it might surprise some people to know that the Goddess of Justice, or Ratu Adil, does actually exist as a personal being and known to some students of esotericism. She is a cosmic entity far more advanced than any "perfect" human being, hence the title of "Goddess." She is known among the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and their unascended disciples as "Portia (Por-shia), the Goddess of Justice."
According to notions here in Indonesia, Ratu Adil is somehow associated with Satria Piningit. Western occultism supports this concept. Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit are actually what is called "Twin-Flames," or "Twin-Spirits." To explain briefly what Twin-Souls are according to western occultism: the true identity of man is the Spirit, the divine spark of God within the microcosm. Theosophical students call this the "Monad". When the main Divine Spark first emerged from the parent-flame, or God, it consisted of two polarities, one masculine and the other feminine. These two polarities later separated into lesser Sparks, or Spirits. Each human being is that evolving Spirit of a certain polarity of one of those billions of Divine Sparks, and each of us has a Twin-Spirit somewhere in the universe. Though most of us are presently separated from our Twin, we will unite with our "alter ego" when we have evolved to a certain stage and fulfilled certain spiritual tasks. Related to the principle of Twin-Flames are the Soul-mate and Karmic-mate concepts; however, they are irrelevant in this paper.
Portia, or Ratu Adil is one of the directors of the Karmic Board, and as such she is known as a "Lord of Karma." The Karmic Board plays an important role in the evolution of humanity. The Board may be considered as the "higher law," or God's channel for executing divine justice, in contradistinction to the justice of mortal man who gleefully say that "justice is blind."
We quote below from a glossary of the Summit Lighthouse the purpose of the Board of Karma and its members:
"The Lords of Karma dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy, and judgment on behalf of every lifestream. All souls must pass before the Karmic Board before and after each incarnation on earth, receiving their assignment and karmic allotment for each lifetime beforehand and the review of their performance at its conclusion. Through the 'Keeper of the Scrolls' and the 'Recording Angels,' the Lords of Karma have access to the complete records of every lifestream's incarnations on earth. They determine who shall embody, as well as when and where. They assign souls to families and communities, measuring out the weights of karma that must be balanced as the 'jot and tittle' of the law. The Karmic Board, acting in consonance with the individual I AM Presence and Christ Self, determines when the soul has earned the right to be free from the wheel of karma and the round of rebirth . . ."
There are presently eight members in the Karmic Board, each one representing a Spiritual Ray or power emanating from the spiritual counterpart of the Sun. All of them are lofty cosmic beings. To explain what these Spiritual Rays are is beyond the scope of this work. The Lords of Karma are:
First Ray Great Divine Director
Second Ray Goddess of Liberty
Third Ray Lady Master Nada
Fourth Ray Elohim Cyclopea
Fifth Ray Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth
Sixth Ray Portia, Goddess of Justice
Seventh Ray Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy
And recently a new member was installed representing the five secret rays--Vairochana--one of the Dhyani Buddhas.
Satria Piningit
As we said before, Christ, Ratu Adil, and Satria Piningit are members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and/or the Karmic Board. Satria Piningit is one of the "Lords of the Flame." These Lords are called Chohans, meaning "Lord," or "Master" in Tibetan. There are seven Lords functioning under the direction of the three departments of the spiritual government. Each of the Chohan represents and directs the Christ-Consciousness of a certain Divine Ray emanating from the Spiritual Sun; they also represent the qualities associated with that Ray. They assist the evolution of humanity in that field, or Ray-aspect with which they represent. The Lord of the Seventh Ray is a spiritual entity called Saint Germain; the name is a title, it means, "Holy Brother." Saint Germain is Satria Piningit, the Knight Commander whose advent was predicted by Jayabaya. Saint Germain and Portia (Satria Piningit and Ratu Adil) are Devapi and Maru as mentioned in the Kalki Purana. "Devapi" literally means "God of Fire," or in other words, "Lord of the Flame." Aside from being a Chohan of the Seventh Ray, Saint Germain also holds the title of "God of Freedom." This is the reason why whenever freedom is called for, the Knight Commander responds. In the past, St.Germain played an important role in the American Revolution.
It is our belief that he was active in the fight for freedom in Indonesia several decades ago as well, and also why his presence may be felt even now by our local "sensitives." Economy, Organization, and Ceremony come under the direction of the office of the Lord of the Seventh Ray. Satria Piningit is also the great economist; and under his direction monetary and economic crisis may be solved but under certain strict conditions. St.Germain is likewise the "Initiator of Souls" in the science and ritual of transmutation through the violet flame of the Holy Spirit. Below we give the name of the Lords of the Rays, together with the colour Ray that they rule and their associated field of expertise:
[Please visit this page for table: http://www.indotalisman.com/revealed.html]
According to Jayabaya, Satria Piningit will "appear" in an Age to come. Since Jayabaya made this prediction in the Age of Pisces, the "Age to come" refers to the Aquarian Age. It is not known exactly when the Aquarian Age would commence. Some give the date 2002 AD. to be the start of the New Age. The consensus among Indonesian psychics, several years ago, is that Satria Piningit would appear at the end of 1998. If they were referring to a physical presence and a public appearance then they may be mistaken, as so far, to this very day, there is no indication whatsoever to that effect--at least not in Indonesia.
Why was the advent of St.Germain said to be in the coming Age? According to certain sources, aside from being the Lord of the Seventh Ray, St. Germain, alias, Satria Piningit is also the Hierarch or the President-Director for the Aquarian Age. He rules the New Age as Hierarch together with his twin-flame Portia, the Goddess of Justice.
Another reason why the influence of Saint Germain is now growing in world affairs is that because now there is a great influx of the Violet Ray beaming upon our planet. Each of the Seven Rays has its cycle of influence in world affairs. Each cycle may run for centuries. The Violet Ray is now the predominant ray influencing humanity, with Satria Piningit as its Lord. It would be interesting to note that the symbol of St.Germain is the violet Maltese cross.
Knowing that the Knight Commander is the Lord of the Violet Ray it came to no surprise to us when we read in a local paranormal magazine ("Misteri" issue no.220) dealing with the supernatural, concerning Satria Piningit and the Violet Ray, as mentioned by "Eyang Prawiro." According to Prawiro, the signs of the emergence of Satria Piningit are indicated by hailstorms--and from the South; after the abeyance of the storm, a certain refined violet light like a rainbow will shine upon a hill. And it is there that the one who is in spiritual retreat will be consecrated with the violet light that is called the "spirit of Satria Piningit."
We would like to state here that there is an esoteric interpretation to the above description. Hills or mountains often symbolize the peak of consciousness while in intense meditation. They do not refer to a physical place. The one meditating may be any individual seeking for enlightenment. Hailstorms symbolizes psychological turmoil. In a spiritual-state during meditation, one may indeed contact the Knight Commander and be empowered by his Violet Ray and come under his spiritual influence should certain basic requirements be fulfilled. The above description, therefore, does not refer to any particular individual at all, but all those who align themselves with the ideals and principles embodied by St.Germain.
From the same source as the above, Eyang Prawiro says that Satria Piningit is not a human spirit. This substantiates our concept that the Knight Commander is a very evolved being, a god--using the term to mean a highly evolved entity that has transcended the human state of being. Below we quote Prawiro:
"Untuk Satrio Piningit, tokoh adil, kharismatik dan superpintar itu, dalam kontemplasi saya adalah roh yang supersuci dan bukan dari manusia, tapi dari roh halus, roh Malaikat pembantu Allah yang dipilih untuk menitis dalam bentuk wujud nyata manusia di dunia dan melakukan tindakan keadilan melawan kejahatan yang merajalela di Bumi."
("Regarding the Hidden Knight, a righteous, charismatic, and super-intelligent individual--in my contemplation is a very evolved spirit and not a human being, but a higher dimensional entity, a Guardian Angel of God that has been chosen to incarnate in this world in a human physical form and perform acts of justice against evil that is violently overpowering this world.")
The "Guardian Angel of God" that Prawiro refers to is in accord with the teachings of western occultism that the Knight Commander is a Lord of the Flame, one of those high entities appointed to rule over a Spiritual Ray; however, it is not known whether Saint Germain actually is embodied, physically speaking. Many occult students believe that he is.
Prawiro also goes on to say that there are many Satria Piningits, and they will all appear to bring peace to the planet wherever and whenever they are needed. It should be evident from what we have revealed thus far, that Saint Germain has his representatives all over the planet, all of them being directed and inspired to work and act on behalf of Freedom, Justice, and Truth. Saint Germain contacts his knights telepathically and spiritually.
Prawiro also believes that one particular representative of Saint Germain will be chosen to be the leader of this nation, and that this said representative is still unknown. This could well be a possibility, but we would like to emphasize that there will be many who will represent the Knight Commander, and not just a single individual. They may not all be politicians.
Regarding the representative of St. Germain, or Indonesia's future leader, Prawiro says that this individual chosen will be a Muslim, a follower of Islam, and not a devotee of one of the other religions. This may or may not be true, depending upon our perspective. The word Islam means, "surrender,"--surrender to God and to Cosmic law. It is also the surrender of the false ego, that the greater will of God may be implemented. In this sense all those who surrender themselves, no matter what religion they follow, may be considered as devotees of Islam, disregarding the "Syariat" aspect of the religion.
Prawiro goes on to say that the leader will be a man and not a woman. Does this refer to the physical body or to psychological traits? If it refers to psychological traits even entities in female bodies may be considered "male." In reality, the soul is neither male nor female.
There is also a current belief that Satria Piningit or his representative is a Javanese. We would like to stress here that Saint Germain is not a Javanese, though his representatives are of many races; however, this is irrelevant. It is not the outer form that is important, but the inner quality of the soul. Nevertheless, we may interpret the word "Java-nese" to mean a "man of God." In the Hebrew language, the Tetragramaton--the four-letter word, represents the name of God. The four letters are "Yod-He-Vau-He." The real pronunciation of the word is known only to a few. The Tetragramaton is said to possess miraculous powers when enunciated correctly. Scholars and mystics of the past variably pronounce the Divine Name as, Jevo, Jao, Javo, Jave, Javeh, Jehovah, Jehva, Jahu, Yahweh, Java, etc. From this our readers may well understand how we infer "Javanese" to mean "Man of God." Some may object that the Hebrew and Javanese languages have nothing in common; it should be known, however, that many languages do share a common root.
Many sources claim that St.Germain had many vital incarnations. He was, for instance, embodied as Samuel the Prophet (circa 1100 B.C.); as Joseph, the husband and protector of Mary and their child Jesus; as Proclus, Greek philosopher of the 5th century; as Merlin the Magician; as St.Alban who lived in the 8th century; as Roger Bacon (circa 1214-1294)--English philosopher and experimental scientist; as Christopher Columbus; as Francis Bacon (Shakespeare), Lord Chancellor of England--statesman, essayist, the "father of inductive science"; and as Prince Rakoczy--the Comte de Saint Germain, the "Wonderman of Europe"--he who was referred to by Voltaire in a letter to Frederick II as the "man who never dies." As a "physical immortal" in that incarnation his worldly activities have been documented for more than a century (1710-1822). He was said to be still alive in the 20th century with many eye-witnesses, one being Charles Leadbeater, an eminent theosophical member.
Saint Germain as Francis Bacon engineered his own mock death and subsequently moved to Rakoczy Mansion in the Carpathian foothills of Translavania where he "ascended." The Ascension is one of the advanced initiations offered to man; its spiritual level is much higher than Sainthood, or Masterhood.
[Note: This paper contains images which may be seen as originally published at our website]
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