There is a great deal of information available about how to make your life and business successful. If the old (and new) ways exhaust you mentally and physically (and don’t produce results), maybe it’s time for a different approach.
A lot of information sources ask you to step outside your comfort zone or do certain things so you can have results similar to theirs. You can also tell that what these people do is perfect for them, but may not feel natural or perfect for you. Should you follow their suggestions anyway? I’m not saying some of what they offer isn’t useful, but . . .
Law of Attraction works perfectly every time. So, if you’re fearful, doubtful, or genuinely uncomfortable with some of the techniques promoted as guaranteed success- and wealth-builders . . . meaning these are the feelings you are vibrating, what kind of results can you really expect Law of Attraction to reflect back to you as your experiences?
When a technique works for someone, you can bet they are aligned with it. If you use a technique and it doesn’t work for you, it’s not necessarily true that you did something wrong, and it’s definitely untrue that you’re flawed in some way. What may be true is that the technique doesn’t resonate for you: It’s not who you are. If you think about it, a lot of these ways are full of stress and strain, and these are not the ways of Spirit or our true nature. People who take a more spiritual approach to life can use this same approach to business.
Living your life and doing your business can be a more peaceful and joyful experience. In fact, that’s what they are intended to be for us. We tend to believe we are alone in life and business, especially if you are a sole owner-operator. If you feel you’re doing everything alone (struggling), it’s time to allow the voice of your eternal partner, Spirit, to be heard.
Get a designated notebook. Each morning and night, write a note to Spirit that states what you wish to feel that day, what you wish to accomplish, and ask for guidance. Really give this an opportunity. I recall feeling as though I had to figure out everything on my own that would lead to success in life and business (in reality, to feel the way I desired to feel). Talk about strain and stress! Now, I consult with Spirit about everything I need guidance on or desire to energize into my reality. I ask if something is right for me and/or for ideas as to the correct approach. What a difference this makes in how I experience everything; and I enjoy writing my thank-you notes to Spirit.
Maybe you’ve read that to achieve wealth you have to feel wealthy. If you don’t currently perceive yourself as wealthy or never have been what is perceived as wealthy in the external world, can you really know what wealth feels like? If you have an ambiguous feeling of what wealth is, what will Law of Attraction reflect back to you? This is a request you may wish to make of Spirit: I ask that you help me understand what wealth feels like for me.
Spirit can give us only what we take; and we can take only what we believe we already have. When I asked myself what wealth might feel like to me, I got that wealth feels like I only need to ask and it is mine. This is exactly what the conversation about connection to Spirit and Law of Attraction is all about. Note: If your primary request is for more money, you bump into 1) Vibrating lack, 2) Vibrating to others that you need/want their money, and 3) Vibrate failure or fear. None of these are the vibrations that will manifest your desired outcomes.
When this realization of what wealth feels like came to me, I recognized that I am not only wealthy, I am wealthy beyond measure, and in the measure I ask and receive.
Now the physical world might argue with me because the mind of man believes in accumulation as evidence rather than evidences (outcomes) of the power to manifest from connection to Spirit and proper use of Law of Attraction. What the self-limiting mind of man believes has nothing to do with Truth.
Accumulation is great and handy. You want more so you can do more; but when you know you’re capable of reflecting anything as your experience . . . that’s true wealth. When you know that Spirit answers every request you make through Law of Attraction, that’s true wealth. When you recognize that the energy you vibrate is how you form your request, that’s true wealth. When you exist in the space of calm confidence from living this way, this is true wealth.
Regarding timing: Even the wealthiest man alive has to wait for delivery if he orders something that has to travel a distance; but he knows/expects its arrival without doubt or concern.
Claim your right to conduct your life, business, and wealth factor as the spiritual being you are. If you are in harmony with all you feel and do, what will Law of Attraction reflect back to you as your experiences?
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