The ... first true love was at twenty years oldShe was much older, yes I was so boldA theatre lover I ... Swanson the name of fameHer last ... I think it ... are Fr
The Theatre:
My first true love was at twenty years old
She was much older, yes I was so bold
A theatre lover I became
Gloria Swanson the name of fame
Her last performance I think it was
‘Butterflies are Free’, we were impressed
A great endeavour this thing she does
No mere drama was justly expressed
Later on as we undressed
I knew my heart was not just me
I felt her closeness and accepted ‘We’.
“Timon of Athens’ was a blast and I became a freak!
It was a Globe Theatre reproduction in Cedar Creek
Nature’s Heavens opened up at the exact right moment
It added so much to the spirit and a night of enchantment
I’ll always cherish Shakespeare’s greatness
This hermit speaking of the ‘ONE’ness.
I saw Cher on Forty-Second Street, I think
Elizabeth Ashley offered me more than a drink
So many memories and so much I learned
They fanned deep fires and I was burned
‘Les Miserables’ on many stages
The fourth time through I felt their rages
About inequities and stupid laws
‘Chorus Line’ in London I saw no flaws.
Many truths in music and purveyed on stage
Should be in schools, I have their same rage
Elephant Man and Evita proud
Appealing to the stupid crowd
The heart and mind enmeshed in soul
I often felt as if ‘in foal’
Pregnant with something large – a horse?
I felt it so often; it is ‘The Force’!
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