You can overcome even the toughest economic times if you implement these 3 crucial strategies in to your network marketing business!
Generally speaking, a recession would not seem to be the optimal time to build a network marketing business. And the fact is, if these 3 key strategies are not implemented, times could get tough for new distributors.
Strategy 1- Ramp Up Your Social Networking
The Web 2.0 communities are fertile recruiting grounds for a network marketing business. In a recession, as more individuals are losing jobs, they will have more time to network for alternative means of income. It is important to develop personal online relationships, before introducing people to a business. Facebook, in particular has a high percentage of individuals involved with network marketing. A great strategy in Facebook is to form a "group". You can select a group theme that you feel will benefit your target market. Before you form your group, try to accumulate as many friends as possible. A great way to create friends very quickly is to join Renegade University. The free members only site not only will train you to market to the social sites, but fellow members of the Renegade community are more than willing to form Facebook "friendships". Once you have at least 100 Facebook "friends", send out group invitations to each of them. Leading a group will accelerate your credibiltiy with the group, thus enhancing the possibility of a business relationship., Mike Dillard's new site, is also a great place to form online relationships with fellow network marketers.
Strategy 2- Ramp Up Your Article Marketing
Article marketing is a great way to gain exposure for you network marketing business. To gain maximum exposure, it is important to provide content for sites such as Hub Pages or Squidoo. Google ranks these sites highly, making it more likely that your content will be listed by the search engines. Your articles ahould be about 400-500 words in length. Try to set a goal of writing 3-5 articles a week, and submit them to article directories such as or The resource box is located at the bottom of your article. Most article directories allow you to place links to websites in addition to self-promotion in the resource box. An added benefit of article directories is the liklihood of other publishers reprinting your articles in various online publications. The resource box is left intact, thus giving your article the power of spreading all over the Internet! In tough economic times, article marketing is particularly valuable, as it is essentially cost free.
Strategy 3- Learn To Market Using Video
The popularity of YouTube and other video sharing sites has literally exploded in the last few years! Furthermore, Google tends to rank videos highly. This favored status occurs because Google is well aware that web surfers LOVE videos. Videos are remarkably easy to produce and upload to The Internet. A web cam can be purchased inexpensively, and be set up on your computer in minutes. Set up an account with YouTube, and you are in business! Videos do not have to be fancy to be effective. Your videos should provide value to your target market. You could, for example, provide useful tips or "how to" information to your target market. Videos are considered content by the search engines, much like articles. Consequently, the content of videos should be based on keywords that surfers are typing in to search boxes. Target keywords that are popular with your target market. A great free tool for targeting keywords is Video marketing is a fabulous tool in a down economy, as it is virtually cost free, and it can work wonders for promoting a network marketing business.
A couple of other excellent tools to consider. I have used each of them with very impressive results. Instant video generator has a FREE 21 day trial, and provides a software that realistically make it possible to create your 1st video in under 30 minutes!Even a technically challenged person like me found using it a breeze. The ultimate tool is Easy Push Button Traffic. This remarkable software submits to article directories, video sharing sites, pr websites, and podcasting sites simultaneously with the click of a mouse! Both of these tools require a monthly membership fee, with some form of a free trial available.
Hopefully these strategies will be helpful during these tough economic times. If they are implemented properly, these could be the best of times for your network marketing business!
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