3 Key Strategies For Pre-Selling Mlm Prospects For a Network Marketing Business

Oct 5


Michael S Hutchins

Michael S Hutchins

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To achieve ANY level of success in network marketing, it is essential that the skill of pre-selling is practiced. This article will reveal 3 HIGH powered pre-selling strategies!


Network marketing prospects may have an interest in an opportunity, 3 Key Strategies For Pre-Selling Mlm Prospects For a Network Marketing Business Articles but they often need more information before they will move forward. In the days of "old school" network marketing, industry "heavy hitters" would often aggressively try to close a prospect whether they were ready or not. Prospects in today's marketplace have too much buyer's resistance for such "strong arm" tactics. Prospects of today need to be "pre-sold" before they are comfortable enough to become a distributor.

Strategy#1- Invite Your Prospect To A Company Call Or Event

This tactic is effective for 2 reasons. First, your prospect's willingness to attend an event is an excellent way of evaluating their desire. If they are reluctant to attend an event, it is unlikely that the timing is right for them to start a business. It is important that you stress the benefits of attending the event to your prospect. Without going over the benefits, your prospect may not see the value of attending.

This tactic is also effective because it allows your prospect the opportunity to gather information about the company from other sources. The chances are that your credibility will grow, as your prospect gathers company information from a variety of sources.

Strategy#2- Establish Yourself As An Expert

If you have written articles about network marketing, make them available for your prospect to read. If you have written mlm training materials, send them as well. The material that you send should be helpful and interesting. Try to avoid company propaganda. If you have not authored material, send your prospect links to other people's quality content. The fact that you recognize helpful information will increase your expert status.

Strategy#3- Allow Them To Speak With A Successful Member Of Your Upline

This strategy is more effective than 3-way calls. The problem with 3-way calls is that they establish another person as the expert, and not you!


The key to making this strategy work is to carefully coach your upline on how to handle the call. Give them background information regarding your prospect's goals and needs. Try to match the personalities of the prospect and the team member for compatibility. When your team members consent to recieving calls from your prospects, try to reciprocate with something of benefit to them. ALWAYS direct your team member with suggestions for your prospect's next step after the call.

In conclusion, 21st century sponsoring in network marketing is more about pre-selling than it is about closing. To the extent that a marketer can "court" a prospect,is the determining factor for success in a highly competitive industry.
