ACN Complaints - The Most Common Problem
ACN complaints don't necessarily outnumber the complaints of other companies. However, when your company has Donald Trump as a backer, then the press (positive or negative) will be more outspoken.
ACN is a network marketing company offering telecommunications services. The have Donald Trump as a spokesperson and therefore they tend to attract a great deal of attention with the media. ACN complaints are similar to the complaints that are voiced by any person who has tried and failed at a network marketing venture. It is not uncommon to hear complaints about the inability to earn money and the inability to recruit new distributors. In fact,

the most common ACN complaint (and the most common complaint in any network marketing company) is the incredibly high failure rate, estimated by experts in the industry to be as high as 98%. For the most part, the attrition rate in this business is due to the fact that people are signing up to build a network marketing business when they really have no marketing experience. Then when they run out of friends and relatives to talk to, they are basically out of business with no source of leads or prospects. Since true marketing techniques are rarely taught in this type of organization, the result is high mortality among the troops. That is, of course, unless you look into a program that has a turn-key system in place for marketing and duplication such as There are, however, ways of reducing the failure rate, but they require a paradigm shift from the "old school" of network marketing. They also require some education and training. By learning how to use PPC (pay-per-clicks), writing articles, press-releases, capture pages, social media, and banner ads you can explode your ACN business virtually overnight. But as I say, it will require some training and education. You can visit for more information on education. The best way to eliminate the ACN complaints is for ACN distributors to learn how to generate leads online. After all, when you buy leads (as many MLM'ers do) where do you think these leads originate? On the internet! Learn how to generate these leads with the methods mentioned above, and you can build a huge ACN network or any other MLM or traditional business. Perhaps it is time to start treating your MLM like a real business and get the education that is necessary for success. Put a system in place that can help you explode your ACN business.