The best network marketing business is the one you believe in and has a solid foundation that will support you in your network marketing career with t...
The best network marketing business is the one you believe in and has a solid foundation that will support you in your network marketing career with the company. A great network marketing company has a certain feel to it that allows to feel as if this is a family you feel a part of. With so many network marketing companies available to choose from,

why would anyone partner with a company if it did not feel right.
Still, a gut feeling about a company is not enough these days when trying to determine what network marketing company to go with. There are many different variables to consider when making choices and narrowing down which company to go with, where you can hang your hat and achieve real wealth.
1. One of the first things to consider is how long the company has been in business. If the network marketing company has been in business for more than 5 years, this is considered a good thing. The company is doing a many of the right things. Most network marketing companies will fail in their first two years.
A company may look great, have the right products, the best compensation plan on the market and a crack team behind it but if it has only been a business for a couple of years, then let it go. You are trying to eliminate risk, so don't even harbor any consideration about it for now. There is nothing more heartbreaking than working day and night for a downline, then the company goes out of business. Where does that leave you?
2. Is there a large demand in the market for the company's products and are those products of high caliber?
It is amazing that many network marketers will look over the compensation plans, then jump on board without a second thought to the products. Choosing a company that offers products that are in high demand within a growth industry is essential. A large part of the network marketing business is selling the products to loyal customers that keep coming back for the best products. These repeat customers are also some of the best prospects you will have for possible inclusion in your downline.
3. Is the company offering a solid compensation plan that allows you to really grow a solid downline for residual income?
There are many multi-level compensation plans that companies will have in place. Some of them may look good at a glance, but it is up to you to really understand what the company is offering you. If you cannot understand the compensation plan, then it is probably not a simple one that you will be able to explain to prospects either. If you have a hard time understanding the plan, think about how difficult it will be for you to try to recruit a solid downline when compensation plans come up in the conversation.
4. Is the network marketing company in question committed to you reaching your goals?
True support and commitment to the home based network marketers from the company needs to be firmly intact. From the company's president on down the chain, everyone should be helping and supporting each other. If you do not understand how something is done or what the product lines are about, then these questions should be readily available to you. If the company is quick to shuffle off any questions that you might have to someone else, it's a good bet that you will not receive the proper support you will need to learn the business at hand.
Hopefully, these tips will help you make some decisive choices to narrow down your search for a good multi-level company to partner up with. It also might be helpful for you make your own list of things you are looking for when choosing the right network company to become involved with.