Do Not Trust SFI Marketing Group Program
The intention of this article is to give anyone interested to joining a MLM program like SFI, a fair picture or "both sides of the coin" about what they can expect from similar programs.
Don't get me wrong when I say:
Do not trust Strong Future International or SFI Marketing Group (a.k.a Six Figure Income). I have my reasons. But you do not need to agree or disagree with my statement,

because what I say it is 100% true fact. Let me explain:
My relationship with SFI Marketing Group began almost 5 years ago, hopeful to building a self-sustainable and profitable home based business, on January 24 of 2003. Six months later I saw my first commission check of $16.50. A little more than a year later, in February of 2004, I was still earning a monthly commission check of around $15.00.
Due to a more diligent marketing effort, after March of 2004 my SFI commission check was gradually increasing up to the point when on July of that year I got a $203.29 payment; effectively covering my IAHBE membership ($29.95) and check ($1.00) fees, so the actual earning was $234.24.
During 2005, 2006 and two months into 2007 payments increased a bit further up to a point where I was earning around $300 in commissions. Before that time I was achieved a Team Leader status with more than two thousands referral members on my downline.
On January of 2007, SFI owner Mr. Gery Carson unilaterally decided to change the compensation plan of the company. That's when the trouble began. For two consecutive months (February and March of 2007), my commission payment amount drop to around $25, which is not enough to even cover the IAHBE membership fee. So on March of 2007, I decided to cancel my SFI account and forget about the whole SFI MLM scheme.
Before the new compensation plan became effective, I consistently kept my Team Leader status and was generating an average of 4 new affiliates daily until the day I canceled my account. No to mention that I used to follow up every referral that signed up below me after they achieve Executive Affiliate status and beyond.
They still keep promising residual or passive income:"
income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do just once. It's like a royalty; you write a book or record a song and get paid forever on it."
I don't think it is fair that after 5 years doing business with SFI; been able to generated thousands of affiliates, earning almost three hundred each month in commissions; all of the sudden my earning was reduced to a level that was not enough to even pay for the membership fees, just because a change in the compensation plan. It is like starting all over again. The home based business dream felt like a sand castle hit by a wave on the beach.
I'm sure that this change affected many other SFI members, no just me. Even many others admit that were touched by this arbitrary plan change.My question (which you don't have to answer) is: Where is the "residual income" promise?