Renegade Network Marketing: How to Make Money Fast
Renegade network marketing is an entirely new strategy that was developed by an expert network marketer, Ann Seig. And as its name connotes, this network marketing strategy is totally out of the ordinary. It is a strategy that would make your views about network marketing turn a full 360 degrees.
The concept whisks away all the marketing strategies the older generation has ever so regarded as effective. It even ask you to ditch away your current leads list,

burn the names of the prospects you have bought from so-called marketing gurus, and stop attending meetings that never really works. This strategy is perfect for all people who don't want to involve their families and friends in their marketing loop. This, in fact, is what most network marketers suggest to the novices. They want their new hires to try their acquired marketing skills with their immediate family members and convince them to join. The idea is that if the beginner can't recruit the people he knows, it follows that he can't recruit anybody else. This alone makes network marketing a dreaded business to many people. But renegade network marketing strives to change that. With this strategy, you don't have to bug your family and your friends with your sales pitches about your business opportunities. You can give them a break and just allow yourselves to enjoy a good conversation that is very far away from the business topic. Renegade network marketing also teaches against hounding people and prospects that you know for a fact wouldn't care less about the business proposal you have in tow. If regular marketing techniques require you to be persistent with these people until they say yes, renegade network marketing teaches you otherwise. It teaches you the right strategy to have people come to you instead of you going to them. The strategy focuses on the things that truly work - not on the things that obviously doesn't make a dent of a difference to your monthly income but are still drilled upon by not so open-minded network marketers. The major problem with the old strategy is that people are taught to use more positive thinking than actually educating people with the right concepts. This is exactly what the renegade marketing strategy tries to change. The biggest observation when it comes to downline building is this: network marketers are barking at the wrong tree. They are doing things that are uncalled for. Worse, they are instructed by their leaders to do so. This is the very reason why a lot of people fail in internet marketing - they are being fed with the wrong techniques and the ineffective strategies. The result? They are left frustrated with what they are doing. Renegade marketing suggests that you create prospects and not seek them. Instead of pushing your business opportunity right on, why not introduce it as intelligent advice to others? You can have an inbox full of inquiries about your business opportunity without sweating too much. It is all about using the right technique. If you want to make it big in the online networking market, you have to check out what the renegade network marketing strategies are. Read them, internalize, and apply them. In a very short while, you should be able to make things work for you. You can have the income you want. You can make many friends and be popular. You'll have more time for yourself and your family. But most of all, you will be able to retire early and have the time of your life. Let all of these happen to you.