This will ultimately be the most important decision you make in you network marketing career. It will decide if you float or if you sink. This article teaches you how to pick the right network marketing team.
Picking the right team to work with can be tricky but simple when you know what to look for.
Alright lets just jump right into it.
The first thing you should look for in a network marketing team is the energy of the person bringing you in. Now I'm not talking about fake energy, RAH RAH RAH kind of stuff just a genuine happiness to talk to you.
Are they positive? Do they sound motivated to help? Are they happy? These are all things you will pick up on when you talk to them on the phone. These are very important because the ability of someone to pick you up when you're down is powerful.
The next thing you should look for is negative characteristics. Are they really aggressive and trying to SELL you? Do they sound negative and just flat out unhappy? These are really the main negative characteristics you should look out for and avoid in a team.
Next, can you learn something from them? This is probably one of the biggest attributes of a good team. Do you really believe that this person can help you achieve your goals? You must find someone who knows more than you and is willing to help you learn it. What about their training system?
Do they have regular training calls for their team you can plug into? How do they generate their leads? Ultimately the way they do it is the way you will do it. Make sure they instruct you how to generate an endless supply of leads to have at your disposal. Leads are the lifeblood of this industry, so you need to plug into a system that can generate them.
Finally, the system is also important to building your business. This business can be mostly automated if done the right way, so how are they doing it? You will probably be building your business the exact same way as your sponsor. You want to find out how they are doing it.
Are they sitting cold calling for three hours a night or are they building it the smart way?
In the end success is really just up to you, but it you find the right team to work with the learning curve can be significantly cut down.
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