Internet Attraction Marketing Articles - How To Get Your Articles Read Each And Every Time!
Unless you are making your articles visually attractive to readers be prepared to lose many of them and in large numbers. We tell you why in this hard hitting report.
Internet attraction marketing articles are the perfect way to create interest in your network marketing business. However,

unless you structure them correctly your efforts can be wasted and the flow of prospects into your leads funnel will be severely restricted.
An article needs to be educational in nature and has to teach the reader something that they can take away and implement in their business. Unless you are teaching your prospects effective business building strategies, there is almost no reason why they should follow your links to your web properties.
Internet Attraction Marketing Articles
The other important aspect of your articles should be their cosmetic make up. While the information is vital in breaking down any trust barriers, your article also needs to be visually appealing. If this sounds confusing let's explain a visually appealing article.
Avoid making your piece look like a huge mass of words. That is, use paragraphs and use them regularly. While your information may be great the reader can easily turn away because it can look hard work to read.
Paragraphs should be no more than two to three sentences long. The article has to appear an easy read and a piece that is spread out will look a lot easier to read than one which has just a couple of paragraphs.
Try this yourself. Scan the article directories and look through the content submitted. Make note of the ones that immediately appeal to your reading senses. It's quite likely you will be more drawn to those which have several paragraphs than those with one or two.
Take a look at this article for instance. Notice that it is broken up into at least eight or nine paragraphs. This is what we call visually appealing. While the content is vitally important and aimed at teaching you the correct way to structure the piece, it's also meant to look easy to read.
If it was just a couple of paragraphs would you be as inclined to read it? Probably not and the simple fact is while this information will increase the number of people who stick around and read your content, the mere fact it looks like hard work to read will turn most away.
Internet attraction marketing articles need to teach the reader and make it as inviting as possible to spend the few minutes to read it. Once you understand this concept you'll experience an increase in the number of people who absorb your content and follow your links to your web properties.