Internet MarketingóThe New Lifetime Residual Income
ìEarn big money from home.î ìBe Your Own Boss!î ìEveryday is take-your-child-to-your-work day.î ìDiscover how and why we walked away from our six figure jobs.î ìPassport to wealth.î These are but a few of the catchy taglines we see everyday on the streets and all over the internet.
They talk about jobs that require only a computer,

an internet connection and a little amount of your time and voila!óit will readily earn you big bucks! These jobs promise us a lifetime residual income that would eventually afford us to sit back and relax while waiting for our money to come in. They boast of not having to exert too much effort or overwork ourselves anymore, just to earn extra money and make ends meet.The established definition of the phrase ìlifetime residual incomeî is one where the cash flow continues after your initial effort or labor to earn money. Examples of this are rentals of properties, royalties from patents, network marketing and more popularly these days, the Internet marketing. Of course, not everybody has the talent to write a best-seller that would be made into a movie and earn royalties. And not everybody has the capital to build a chain of apartments or condominiums that would generate sure money every month. That is why we are more attracted to business taglines that say we donít need capital to start a business. We are curious businesses that require only a few hours of our time and earn us easy money. That is why Internet marketing has become the new lifetime residual income of our ageófreeing us all from the burden of braving the everyday traffic just to get to work, cutting the chain that binds us to the 9 to 5 work hours we endure five times a week, and taking away the work stress that makes us look older but none the wiser.Internet marketing is basically a spin off from network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing, which is a business distribution model that creates a network of sellers and buyers through referral and direct selling. I am sure a lot of people are familiar with this kind of business, where there is a product being marketed and distributed by a salesperson, who also recruits her buyers or clients and convinces them to become salespeople themselves and who would in turn recruit their own salespeople. The cycle goes on and on, creating a multi-level network of salespeople. Each person in every level earns a percentage from the sales profit of the people he recruited and also from the people his recruits have recruited. Hence, cash continues to flow even after you stopped selling the products and recruiting people personally. As long as your recruits and their recruits keep doing the business, you will continue receiving money.Now, Internet marketing is basically the same. However, this time, you market the product and create your network of people through the internet instead of leaving your house and meeting with these people personally. You could just stay at home, in your everyday clothes, with uncombed hair and while taking care of your baby or doing your daily household chores, checking your email or your website for inquiries, applications and orders. Now, isnít that tempting? I must say, very tempting. There are a lot of these lifetime residual income jobs out there and they are up for grabs. So one canít help but wonder why there are still a lot of salaried employees enduring the unrewarding hardships of 9 to 5 jobs. Why, we could all get rich! But then again, to each his own, I guess.