Is a lack of money an insurmountable obstacle to your success in Network Marketing? The answer is NO, but you need to be able to shift your mindset on how you approach your marketing...
Often the lack of money people experience is due to a poor choice of marketing techniques. People spend their money on one-time endeavours,

such as buying a whole bunch of low quality leads, instead of producing their own. Once these leads are gone they have to spend MORE money to buy more LOW QUALITY leads.
This creates a mentality of desperation often resulting in people not wanting to join you in your opportunity because they can sense your desperation. This creates a vicious cycle of increasing desperation leading to increasing levels of hopelessness.
People only work with others who they believe have more value than them. If you appear desperate they automatically presume you don't know what you're doing and will find someone else who appears to have more value.
People also spend their hard earned money on ads, drop cards, or fliers which once gone no longer produce any leads. Instead of spending money on a one-shot deal, people's money should go to sources that produce ongoing high quality leads, or into educating themselves on real marketing techniques.
The goal is to leverage your time, money, and energy to increase your results. You want to work smarter, not harder!
Although, a lack of money is a definite barrier and causes many people to quit. It is NOT a deal-breaker. In fact, there are many methods to produce tons of traffic and quality leads. You just have to be a little creative and invest some time and money to educate yourself on these methods.
A lack of money is only a problem if you believe you need to have lots of money to be successful with Internet marketing. I would recommend Mike Dillard's Building On A Budget or MLSP if you have no idea where to start with your marketing efforts.
Some simple ways to market your business, even if you have very little money, are to use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Of course you will want to set up a blog as well and consistently add high quality, valuable articles on topics that your prospects are interested in. You could also use free sites like Craigslist, Backpage, and forums for advertising and creating conversations with potential prospects.
Almost everyone starting out building his or her MLM will face the problem of a lack of money. It's actually a badge of honour! It makes your success story that much more effective and makes you seem more human and have more credibility.
In order to overcome the lack of money, you need a marketing funnel. A marketing funnel is simply a system that guides people through the buying process. A good funnel will also allow you to make money even from the people who say no to your primary opportunity.
Notice I said guide and buying in the above sentences. People absolutely love to have some guidance while moving through a new experience (they want to know what to do next, and what the next step will look like) and people love to buy (they hate being sold).
Once again a lack of money is NOT a deal-breaker. You just need to use free methods of advertising. The only thing these methods will cost you is time and energy, but if you don't have a lot of money, it's really your only choice.
So get out there and start creating your killer content and share the value you possess.