What are the recruiting words and phrases that small business owners are attracted to listen to for telling them about network marketing? Here are 15 of them! Read on!
What do you say to a small business owner? How do you talk to them about your Network marketing business? Many people have tried, and totally failed.
They simply do not understand that small business owners do not talk "mlm-ease." They do not know what a "downline" or "upline" is, and most don't really want to know.
Business owners want to know one thing: What is going to increase their profits and productivity.
We recruited hundreds of small business owners in our MLM group when we were active, and all were pretty much recruited the same way and with the same type of words and power phrases.
There are 2 things that you must understand about recruiting business professionals into Network Marketing and MLM:
1) They have their own CULTURE, and they stay within that culture. They have a culture of professionalism for the most part, and integrity.
2) They are used to a particular language and verbiage, that they expect, and you must speak at least some of that language in your conversation with them.
Here are just a few of the ways you can approach small business professionals and here are some KEY words and Phrases:
1)"Secondary revenue source"2)"Introducing into the business community"3) "Run across an idea"4) " I am a small business owner like you"5) "I Need your input(insight)"6) "Increase your revenue stream"7) "Expand your potential market base"8) "Increase market value of your contacts"9) " I am new in the business community, and introducing myself"10) "I have an idea that I would like to run past youon increasing revenues."11) " Revenue Option"12) " Market Expansion Tool"13) "An idea that has impact on the bottom line"14) " A value based idea that can improve revenues"15) " From one professional to Another."
These work very well, as they have the terminology that a lot of business professionals can relate to. Come up with some of your own. But make sure they are all "non-mlm." You can eventually use network marketing language, but not at first, unless you want to turn them off.
And yes, you may get some questions.And yes, you may get some objections.And yes you may get some negative responses.
Just understand that small business owners have a business to run, and many will make great customers, but will not be interested in your mlm business.
All it takes is ONE small business professional to explode your business. One business owner brought in over 500 people in less than 4 months in our group, and built a group that was in all 50 states, and eventually had over 8,000 people in his Network Marketing group. And he did it part time.
Small business owners can be an absolute GOLD MINE, but you have to do some digging in your MLM and Network Marketing business.
PassionFire Intl- (c) 2005/ all rights reserved
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