Take Action! Tips for the Renegade Network Marketer
Network marketing is all about selling things to the right people, and getting commissions not only from them, but from the people down the line from them. Your commissions, and your earnings, depend entirely upon the reliability of people down the line from you.
They also depend on your ability to talk to people and get more people to buy things from you. Network marketing is all about sales savvy,
and all about getting quality people to work for you and agree with you and add to your bank account. If you want to earn even more, then you will need the strength and mindset of the renegade network marketer.First of all, you need to have a purpose for network marketing. Yes, you need to have a larger network and deeper downlines, but why? Yes, you want to earn money, but why? Yes, you want to have more money in your savings, but why? This is the part where a lot of people get stumped: they often want more money in their bank account, but they really have no idea what to do with it when it is finally there. This leads a lot of people to get burned out early in the network marketing arena, and simply because they had no purpose for earning money in the first place. It may sound clichÈ, but earning money, all its own, is an empty enterprise. You need to start asking yourself: why do I want to earn money?Do you want to have a better, bigger house? Do you want to take your family traveling every summer? Do you want to give your parents the opportunity to truly enjoy their retirement? Do you want to pay your way through college or graduate school and get the job that you want? Give yourself something to look forward to, and use this to compel you to do network marketing. When doing network marketing, the things that drive you should not be money and earnings, but something that will make you happy ñ and other people around you happy.This brings us to the next point: start thinking of people down the line from you not as people who will make you richer, but whom you can make richer. This seems counterintuitive if you are after a fatter bank account, but remember, people do not care about how much you know until they find out about how much you care. When talking to people, keep in mind that you want to help them: you want to give them the chance to earn more money and make more money without having to be chained to a boring desk job. When you talk to people with this goal in mind, your marketing tone will take on the note of caring; however, when you talk to people with only money in mind, people will immediately sense your hard selling attitude, and you risk turning people off.These are only a few tips that you may want to follow as you engage in network marketing. Remember, you do not need thousands of people in your downline, because if you have a hundred who buy regularly from you and are able to reliably give you earnings and recruit more people every time, then you can certainly get the commissions that you need. And remember, the renegade network marketer is a purpose-driven network marketer: you need to control your job, and not let it control you. Soon, you will have the earnings that you want, and the people that you have in your group will make you even richer, both inside and out.