We have all heard of it, but very few have seen it! What am I talking about? You know the moment after many monthsmaybe years of hard work, of being in the trenchesrecruiting, and finally the day comes that your downlinebecomes self sufficient.
You have recruited and coached enough of the right peoplethat your home based business can run without yoursupervision! Everyone looks up to you and calls you asuccess!
Isn't that the reason we are all in Network Marketing for? However, most people think that success comes overnight.They like to think that they can get into Network Marketingmake good money and get out before anyone finds out! :) Itjust doesn't happen that way. I was again reading this booklast week called The Wave 4 Way to Building Your Downline byRichard Poe. This is an excellent book, if you have notread it you should diffidently make it part of your library.In it the author mentions what Sales Motivator Giant ZigZiglar likened success to. He said it was like an old-fashion well hand pump.
You see when you use well hand pump you first have to put alittle water in it to get it primed. He explained this islike anything else in the world… you have to put a littlesomething in, something of value before you can expect toget anything back for yourself. Then with a well hand pumpyou have to pump and pump and pump, it takes a while forthat water to start filling up that pipe and come out of theground. The same thing happens in our business. We feellike we have put in so much effort in our first and secondmonth and all we see is a trickle. But, if we keep puttingin the right actions, keep slowly pumping away, by the endof your first 90 days we start to see awesome results! Moreand more water comes out and it even seems easier to pump.
What would happen though if we start pumping and then stopbefore a lot of water starts to come out? If we wait toolong we would have to start from scratch all over again.Now, not only is that not fun it could be right downfrustrating! If you have to start from the beginning toomany times you probably are going to quit and say the pumpis not working for you, when in reality the water was justabout to start flowing. That is what they mean when theysay you can only fail if you quit. I like to think you alsofail if you don't keep doing the right things over and overagain until you finally get your reward.
There are many parts to a leader. One of the biggest is toshow by example that it can be done, and then make it easierfor the next person that comes to that hand pump by keepingit going so that they don't have such a hard time in thebeginning. You see by you never stopping the pump you havemade it easier for them to follow your example.
The one big thing I have learned from hanging around andasking questions of leaders is that you are not born aleader. You become one. Not only that, but it is somethingthat has to be learned and can be learned. Sometimes ittakes your circumstances to change for you to change andwant to become a leader, but if you want it bad enough thepath for you to become an Internet Network Marketing leaderis there for you. All you have to do is learn the rightthings to do, and then don't stop until you have helpedenough people keep their pumps going long enough for them tohave a ton of water coming out. That is the only way youwill one day know what it feels like to be known astheleader that made it happen for them.
Then you will know you have reached that moment whereeverything you have been working for finally happens!
If you would like to learn more about how to have megarecruiting success please look at resource box bellow.
*This article comes with redistribution rights as long as itincludes the whole article and the resource box that islocated bellow.
Target Your MLM Clients With Internet Marketing Precision
The truth has to be told! The days of dropping off business cards at gas stations, leaving flyers off at a Wal-Mart parking lot, putting up signs at light poles and stop signs, making a list of 100 close friends, and talking to everyone within a three foot circle around you are OVER!10 Easy Steps to Automatic MLM Recruiting - Revisited - Part 1 Article Marketing
Several Weeks ago I wrote an article on 10 Easy Steps To Automatic MLM Recruiting. It described how to combine online affiliate marketing and network marketing together to form the future of Network Marketing... rejection free magnetic sponsoring. The first Step was to drive traffic to a Lead Capture Page either from free traffic sites, article marketing, or Pay Per Click campaigns like Google AdWords. Today I will be talking about Article Marketing.In Network Marketing Do Not Pay Attention the Crazy Person Waving Their Hands at You!
Have you ever watch a basketball game. When one of the players of a visiting team gets a free throw... what does the crowd do? They make a lot of noise and if you are seated right behind the basket you wave everything and anything you have in hopes you can distract the player from making that basket. Have you ever felt that way in your network marketing business? Everyone wants your attention!