What is an MLM Rock Star and Tips on Becoming One Yourself
The term ëMLM rock starí has been coined by Randy Gage and since then, itís been used by many other MLM experts to refer to a rare group of individuals in the industry. What is a MLM rock star, you ask. It does not involve playing guitar or dressing like a rock star.
What it does entail however is living the life of a fabulously successful rock star because of your profitable career in MLM. Sounds good? So how about it? Do you want to be an MLM rock star yourself?What is an MLM Grinder?Before we get to the nitty-gritty of becoming an MLM rock star,

letís take a look first at the opposite of MLM rock stars and those are the MLM grinders. It sounds worse even without knowing what it means, doesnít it? And youíre right.MLM grinders are those who continuously have to replace the people that make up their downline or their entire MLM network. MLM grinders do everything they can, practically sweat blood and tears for the entire business to stay afloat and yet, at the end of the day, the sweet rewards promised by MLM seem just too far out of reach. How to Become an MLM Rock StarYou donít want to be an MLM grinder, do you? Of course, you donít. What you want to be is an MLM rock star. MLM rock stars have succeeded where MLM grinders have failed. They had made astounding profit from network marketing, enough for them to enjoy days and weeks away from work without having to worry that when they return, their business is just an inch away from bankruptcy. Do you want to be a MLM rock star? If so, here are a few things to consider.Know Who You AreStop copying the strategies of other MLM distributors and managers. Maybe, one of the reasons why you just canít attain your goals is because all along, youíve been using the wrong approach to it. What works for others may not work for you because youíre a different individual. If you want to attain your goals in network marketing, you need to know who you are! You need to understand your personality and the way you work, think, and feel. You need to understand what youíre truly after in life and find out the goals that really matter to you. You need to know what your strengths and weaknesses are so that theyíd help rather than get in the way in your plans.Dream and Dream VividlySome people say that the greater the desire, the more possible it is for you to envision your dream in your mind. Hereís a test of just how much you want to be an MLM rock star. Close your eyes and try to picture how it would be like if youíre already living the life of an MLM rock star. Is the picture vivid? Is it detailed? If so then good! You know what youíre after. Now hold on to that dream and never let go. You might not be aware of it but holding on to that image will serve as a strong motivator inside you, helping you to strive harder for your goals.Make Concrete PlansLastly, itís not enough just to dream. You need to translate that into reality by taking the ultimate step: make plans and make it happen. Determine specific tasks to attain your goal and go for it. With these, youíre sure to be an MLM rock star before you know it!