July 2006 Articles

Social Psychology: Unveiling the Psychological Underpinnings of Social Behavior

Research in Social Sciences: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

Recruitment as the most important aspect of Human Resource Management

Testing the effectiveness of Performance Appraisals

Organizational Change: Mission Impossible?

Changing role of nurse

E-banking (Online Banking) and its role in today’s society

Business Ethics and Unethical Practices

New Media and Online Marketing – Strategies, Advantages and Disadvantages

Efficient Market Hypothesis: Myth of Reality?

Merger of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and National Westminster Bank

Role of Multinational Corporations in the modern world

Healthy Living, Fitness and Nutrition – The Role of Diet in Health and Fitness

Rise of Entrepreneurship

Developmental and Child Psychology: An Insight into Cognitive and Emotional Growth