October 2007 Articles

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Drug Rehab: One Big Warning Sign of a Rip-Off drug Rehab

Alcohol withdrawal and insomnia, a real threat to recovery

Alcohol detox can kill you. Here is why

A parental guide to crystal meth…How to keep your kid safe

How to stop meth addiction…talk to your kids about meth, only half of all parents ever do

Quit drinking and don’t get cancer. Alcoholics are at great risk

4 ways to evaluate a teen drug rehab. How to pick a quality drug rehab

One easy way to spot a bad teen drug rehab

Don’t relapse after rehab. Sober living housing can help.

No Relapse! How a Sober Living House After Rehab Can Help

How to detox in Christian rehab

Why court ordered rehab works as well as motivated self entry

Drug Rehab; Your Legal Rights to Privacy

How To Make Your Book Unique

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