May 2008 Articles

Using Microsoft Excel's Declining Balance Depreciation Function

Using Microsoft Excel's Double Declining Balance Depreciation Function

Using Microsoft Excel's Straight-line and Sum-of-the-years Digits Depreciation Functions

Using Microsoft Excel's Variable Declining Balance Depreciation Function

Calculating the Time to Repay Loans

Forecasting Future Values With Microsoft Excel

Calculating Present Values With Microsoft Excel

Calculating Interest Rates With Microsoft Excel

Mastering Accrued Interest Calculations with Microsoft Excel

Using the Bond Duration Add-in Functions

Using Excel's Xirr and Xnpv Add-in Functions

Mastering Bond Coupon Date Calculations with Excel

Using the Cumulative Interest and Principal Add-in Functions

Personal Fitness Trainer Business Preliminary Checklist

A Beginers Guide to Getting started on the Web (part 3)