Be Confident - You Are Meant To Succeed

May 3


Emmanuel Emezie

Emmanuel Emezie

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Discover the intrinsic human desires for possession, achievement, and transformation, and explore the tools provided to realize these aspirations. This article delves into the natural alignment between our talents and our life paths, supported by divine gifts, and how faith, perseverance, and the principle of reciprocity act as catalysts for achieving our dreams.

Understanding Human Aspirations and Talents

Humans are inherently driven by the desire to possess,Be Confident - You Are Meant To Succeed Articles achieve, and change. This drive is deeply rooted in our capabilities and talents, which dictate the paths we are likely to pursue. For instance, a person with a natural inclination towards music is more likely to aspire to become a musician. Similarly, those with intellectual prowess often gravitate towards fields like mathematics or science.

Case Study: Mike Tyson's Career Choice

Consider Mike Tyson, who at 19 became the youngest heavyweight boxing champion. His success in boxing was monumental, earning him global fame and significant fortune. However, had Tyson pursued a career in teaching, his lack of academic inclination might have hindered his success, illustrating how our innate talents can predetermine our suitable career paths.

The Role of Divine Gifts in Career Choices

It is often believed that our talents are divine gifts meant to steer us towards certain professions and life choices. This perspective suggests that our true aspirations are not just our own but are also influenced by a higher power that equips us with the necessary abilities.

Theological Perspective on Aspirations

From a theological viewpoint, every talent and ability bestowed upon us is seen as a directive from the Creator, guiding us towards our destiny. This aligns with the belief that our aspirations should reflect the talents we have been given, essentially fulfilling a divine purpose.

Overcoming Obstacles: Tools for Success

Despite the clear path set by our talents and desires, achieving our goals is not without challenges. However, certain tools have been divinely provided to aid in our journey towards success.

Faith and Belief

One of the most powerful tools at our disposal is the combination of faith and belief. Historical figures and religious texts emphasize the power of belief. For instance, Jesus Christ in the Bible underscores the importance of faith in achieving the seemingly impossible (Mark 11:20-24). Similarly, Napoleon Hill in his seminal work, "Think and Grow Rich," discovered through interviews with 500 wealthy Americans that belief is a cornerstone of success.


Another critical tool is perseverance. The story of Thomas Edison, who conducted thousands of experiments before successfully inventing the light bulb, exemplifies how persistence can lead to breakthroughs. Edison’s relentless pursuit of a solution, despite numerous failures, highlights the importance of perseverance in overcoming obstacles.

Reciprocity Principle

The principle of giving to receive is also a fundamental tool in achieving our aspirations. This principle is evident in various teachings and sayings, such as "One good turn deserves another." By contributing positively to the lives of others, we set a foundation for receiving the support and resources needed to achieve our own goals.

Conclusion: Empowered to Succeed

In conclusion, our aspirations and the paths we take are influenced by our innate talents and the divine purpose believed to be assigned to each individual. By utilizing the tools of faith, perseverance, and reciprocity, we are well-equipped to overcome any challenges and achieve our dreams. Remember, obstacles and difficulties are just stepping stones on the path to success.

For further reading on the power of belief and perseverance, explore resources from The Bible and insights from Napoleon Hill's philosophy.