The first step to growing your Ezine subscriber base is to devise a comprehensive plan. Identify your target audience, find out where they are, and strategize on how to reach them. The more detailed your plan, the better. Depending on your publishing frequency (daily, weekly, monthly), you should have two to four months' worth of content prepared before you start publishing. This gives you ample time to work on other articles and prevents last-minute content creation.
Your Ezine's content should be engaging and original. While it's acceptable to reprint articles from other sources, the majority of your content should be unique. Make it personal, make it distinctive, but most importantly, make it valuable.
Your Ezine should be as long as it needs to be, and no longer. With the influx of Ezines, a concise and to-the-point newsletter is more likely to be read and appreciated.
If your subscribers feel that your Ezine is merely a promotional tool, you risk losing them. Keep overt advertising to a minimum. Instead, attract subscribers with the quality of your ideas, not with constant advertisements. Instead of a long list of ads at the beginning or end of your Ezine, try including fewer ads interspersed between articles.
Request your subscribers to recommend your Ezine to their friends and family. Encourage them to forward your newsletter to people who might find it interesting. A significant number of those who receive it will likely subscribe.
Promote your Ezine on your website, business cards, office, invoices, and more. The more visibility your Ezine has, the more likely you are to gain subscribers.
There are numerous announcement lists that inform readers about new Ezines daily. Regularly submit your Ezine information to as many of these lists as possible, at least once a month.
Consider contacting the editor or publisher of an Ezine you subscribe to and like. See if they would be willing to publish an ad for your Ezine in exchange for one of theirs. They're likely as eager to grow their Ezine as you are to grow yours.
There are many other Ezines out there in need of original, high-quality content. Help them (and yourself) by sharing some of your original articles. Most newsletters will include a short byline and a link to your website or Ezine subscription address.
Above all, make it easy for people to subscribe. Include subscription instructions in each issue, on your website, and in your place of business. The harder it is for them to subscribe, the less likely they are to do so.
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... with someone, ... rapport, does not haveto be a ... thing, although many people find it so.Here are ten key points to remember whenever you set off tomeet new ... BeExtreme Self Care
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