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News can be anything that is relevant and interesting to the readers. These days it is important for everyone to be updated with the events that happen around them. Those days are gone when people only had to be aware of the news from their country or state now they have to learn about the world news too. It is extremely necessary for everyone be aware about the latest world news. The world is no more the wide world and is reduced to a global village. This global village consists of all the continents,

countries and states in the world. The globalization is responsible for this change and as a result any event in any part of the world may have the power to affect some other place or the whole world. It can be a political decision, a human rights action, the Oscars or any policy by UN. They all have an effect on the audience and so they generally find their place in the top World news section. It is of great importance to be updated with the happenings all over the world mostly for businessmen and other people in fields where being aware of the news around the world is necessary. This news is also important for fans of sports, actresses, shows and movies from around the world. A person in United States of America can get information about a French movie being shot in France by their favorite director. Websites have also made it possible to watch live matches online. Sports like cricket and football that have a huge fan following have websites specially dedicated to the sport, team or a particular player. It is the same with actors almost all actors have their fan sites where their fans get together and post unseen pictures and news about the star. It is a great way for the fans to connect and with help of the forums they can discuss their doubts and opinions with others. These forums give them a platform to put forwards their views. All types of media like television, newspapers and internet have special world news segments, columns and pages for dedicated to the latest world news. But the best way to find out or look up the top world news when you are in a hurry is the internet. The internet also has special websites that publish world news. It is more accessible than any other medium.