World News making People Aware about Extinction of Fossil Fuels
Today, world is facing an important issue of extinction of fossil fuels. Due to extinction and more usability in developed countries, prices of these ...

world is facing an important issue of extinction of fossil fuels. Due to extinction and more usability in developed countries, prices of these fossil fuels are soaring in global market. Fossil fuels are formed by natural processes of anaerobic decomposition of buried organisms. This process takes million of years, in becoming useful product from wastes. For developed countries, supply of fuel is necessary for running of factories and vehicles. As per latest world news, 86 percent of energy consumption in the world depends on these fossil fuels and the rest depends on non-fossil sources. With such high consumption, alternative sources are needed to be developed soon. Various sources have been discovered for producing energy but due to lack of information and knowledge in people, these sources are yet to be employed in practical usage. Thus, world news is initiating, a global movement toward the generation of renewable energy to meet increased energy needs.World news today is making people aware of such a disastrous situation that will be faced in future, when there will be no sources of getting fossil fuels. Being a non-renewable source, reproduction of these energy sources is impossible. For widening the use of alternative sources of generating energy, world news is trying to provide apt knowledge to people. Hydroelectric power and solar energy are viable solutions for generating energy. With earth consisting of more than 70 percent water resources, hydroelectric power management can be very helpful if discovered by countries. The principle of supply and demand suggests that as hydrocarbon supplies diminish, prices will rise. These high prices will influence countries in opting renewable sources of energy. Though, a few have already applied sciences of natural gas vehicles and hydrogen vehicles, but still mass movement is awaited for saving fossil fuels from extinction. [View - entertainment]Use of fossil fuels also affects our environment. As per world news speculations burning of fossil fuel produces 21.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is much higher than the total consumption of it by environment. This excess of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is causing adverse effects of radiation and is the prime cause of global warming. Global warming in latest world news is an important issue that needs global attention. Other toxic gases are also emitted in burning process, which cause environmental hazards. Also, digging out of fuel from offshores causes hazards to aquatic organisms. The quantity of oil spilled during accidents has a great impact on ecosystem. This spilling of oil in accidents has caused in increased death rates of marine endangered species.