The computer box that is. Have you become so Internet minded you are no longer equipped to ... the real world as a platform for ... sales? It can happen, even to the best of us in the busi
The computer box that is. Have you become so Internet minded
you are no longer equipped to recognize the real world as a
platform for increased sales? It can happen, even to the best
of us in the business world. The key to blasting through the
ceiling of sales is to combine technology with age-old
opportunities. In other words, get yourself off-line for a
few hours a week and rethink your selling ideas.
Once you've adjusted to sunlight and real live people, consider
these combinations for propelling new sales.
1. Do you offer something that can be turned into a CD for
sales in real time stores? For instance, if you own a
subscription based website you can offer a presentation by CD
that includes a membership password and sell those CDs in
targeted retail outlets at wholesale prices. Get this CD into
a retail chain that picks it up nationwide and you could be
looking at millions of dollars in revenue.
In order to make this idea successful you must provide a
professionally presented CD to the correct contact person in
the retail establishment. Be prepared to put out some capital
to pull this presentation together. Look for purchasing
contracts with retailers that will not require you to buy back
merchandise that did not sell and offer a low minimum purchase
to entice interest from the retailer.
2. Offer to speak at professional organizations within
your industry. By combining your industry knowledge with
online experience you have something valuable to offer
organizations that have not yet ventured into this online
Arrive at your speaking engagement prepared to offer valuable
information that the audience will be able to benefit and
utilize immediately. Don't make your presentation a glorified
sales presentation for whatever it is your selling. However,
do make sure that all of your handouts include your URL boldly
and clearly.
3. Take your newsletter offline. Everyone online has a
newsletter these days and competition to get read is fierce.
The best way to garner attention in this new medium is to do
the unexpected. Instead of just utilizing email utilize real
mail. It doesn't have to be monthly as it will incur an expense,
but three to four times a year will make a significant enough
impact to impress your clients and prospects and get you noticed.
An offline newsletter can be simple in presentation but it must
be clean, crisp, and professional or the image will kill your
business reputation. Remember that online it's easy to look
like the big guys, but offline it gets a bit trickier. Take
the time to hire the talents of a professional designer to set
up a template for you that you can use over and over. The
expense will be worth that professional look while not being
It is the most creative that will lead in today's economy, so
step out of the Internet to get a clear view of all the
opportunities available for you and your business. Once you
begin sparking that creativity you will soon find that it can't
be reigned in and an increase in profits will be just a new
idea away.