1. Give people a free ... to your ... everyone is ... a e-zine ... it's ... to give ... extra with thefree ... You could offer a free gift oradve
1. Give people a free subscription to your e-zine.
Almost everyone is publishing a e-zine nowadays
so it's important to give something extra with the
free subscription. You could offer a free gift or
advertising when people subscribe.
2. Provide your visitors with free content. Your
content will be more attractive to your visitors if
it's up-to-date or original. You could also offer
people the option to reprint the content in their
e-zine or web site.
3. Offer a free online directory. The directory
could be full of interesting ebooks, e-zines, web
sites etc. If people find your directory to be a
valuable resource they will visit it over and over.
4. Give your visitors a free ebook. You could
also include your own ad in the ebook and allow
other people to give it away. If you don't want to
take the time to write one, you could ask other
writers permission to use their articles.
5. Hold free online classes or seminars. They
could be held in your web site's chat room. The
idea of "live" information will definitely entice
people to visit your web site. You will become
known as an expert on the topic.
6. Give visitors a free entry into your contest or
sweepstakes. The prizes should be something of
interest or value to your visitors. Most people
who enter will continually revisit your web site to
get the results.
7. Let visitors download free software. It could
be freeware, shareware, demos etc. You could
even turn part of your site into a free software
directory. If you created the software, include
your ad inside and let other people give it away.
8. Offer free online services or utilities from your
web site. They could be search engine submitting,
copy writing proofreading etc. The service or
utility should be helpful to your target audience.
9. Give free consulting to people who visit your
web site. You could offer your knowledge via
e-mail or by telephone. People will consider this
a huge value because consulting fees can be very
10. Give your visitors a free membership to your
online club. People want to belong to something,
why not your online club. You could also give
away a free e-zine for club members only.
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It's ... for your sales letter to tap into ... ... mind and trigger ... It will then create and direct a ... or scene that will persuade them to visit yPsychic Selling - How To Predict The Future!
They're many people who don't believe in ... and many people who do. Who is right?I feel that they're both ... are many reasons why people believe in ... They may have3 Hypnotic Selling Tools!
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