Reason No. 1 - It Takes Too ... are simply not enough hours in the day for you to do your day job, keep abreast of all the changes in the internet ... ... track the progress of your
Reason No. 1 - It Takes Too Long.
There are simply not enough hours in the day for you to do your day job, keep abreast of all the changes in the internet marketing industry, track the progress of your website and make constant amendments and adjustments to your online marketing strategy.
The good news is - you have a choice. You can either give up your day job and become a website marketing expert or you can get the experts in to promote your website for you.
Reason No. 2 - The "I Can Use A Calculator So I Don't Need An Accountant" Myth..
Unfortunately, the very accessibility of the web means there are people who feel that just by reading a few articles, magazines and browsing around for a few hours a week they will be able to attain enough knowledge to take on the experts at website marketing. It just won't happen.
There are lots of reputable businesses out there that have done nothing else for years apart from study the best and most effective ways to market a website online. Do you really think it will be worth your while taking them on or trying to learn even a fraction of the knowledge they have? Forget it! Focus on what you’re best in and outsource everything else. It’s a winning formula.
Reason No. 3 - You Are Too Close To Your Business
And quite rightly so. But unfortunately you will approach marketing your website from a biased angle looking only at options which fit your perception of your business. Getting an external expert or company to market your website means they are coming at it from an independent point of view which brings a fresh and non-biased eye to proceedings.
Reason No. 3.5 – Did You Know? It Takes 10,000 Hours To Become An Expert At Anything. Can You Spare That Kind Of Time Away From Your Business?
You will be learning as you go along. Every day will certainly be full of surprises and new lessons but why start with a blank page when companies like mine already have nearly ten years' experience under our belts?
Why try to learn all this yourself when there are companies out there who can help you? Companies that have already tried and tested the best ways, made the mistakes and learned the hard way so that you don't have to head down those dead-ends and pitfalls.