Article Writing: Great Tips On How To Write An Article

Mar 15


Lance Brown

Lance Brown

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So you have figured out that article writing will bring targeted visitors to your website but you are a little fearful of how to go about it. This is going to seem obvious but I know I didn't do it when I started article writing and I really wish I had.


So you have figured out that article writing will bring targeted visitors to your website but you are a little fearful of how to go about it. This is going to seem obvious but I know I didn't do it when I started article writing and I really wish I had.


So before you say " I don't have unlimited cash flow to sign up with some expensive program at this point " let me say this. It won't cost you a dime if you do this. I am going to recommend you start poking around a few of the big article directories to begin your search. Why? Because the mentor you are needing should be writing regularly in one or all of these directories. Ezine Articles,Article Writing: Great Tips On How To Write An Article Articles Article Dashboard, Article Base, and Article Blast in my opinion are the four big kahunas I would recommend at this point. They are the ones I have been getting the most exposure from with my articles. If you are not a free member of these go ahead and sign up because in the future you are going to want to submit your articles to them. Of course now you are going to read articles on " how to write an article " or " article writing " for the next little while. Give yourself a week or so and don't commit to anyone financially. When you find a few good articles written by a potential mentor go ahead and do a search on him in Google. He should be well established and have his articles all over the internet. I am talking about millions of links to his websites. If he doesn't why would you want to be schooled by him. That's what you want isn't it? Lots of links back to your site. Next thing is step out of the boat onto the water. Chances are he has a free newsletter he sends out or something along those lines. Go ahead and give him your email and sign up. At this point you still haven't committed a dime. What you are going to do is glean as much teaching as you can for free from the newsletter or whatever it is you are now getting from him. Pay special attention to how your mentor writes his articles. You'll be surprised how much you can pick up about writing good titles, keywords, article templates, good topics..etc. Lastly let me say that no good mentor who has your best intentions in mind demands money up front. He should be willing to build a genuine friendship with you before you ever buy anything from him. I think you should be able to talk with him too. If you can't kick him to the curb and find a better one. You still will have learned a few good things from him even if you ditch him. So there is my first golden pointer on writing articles. If you embrace it you won't make all the mistakes I did when I started article writing. Home business success tips and other useful resources