Why do you have a Web site? To make money, share your ... with the world? Or just spread some joy, kindness or ... Whatever your reason is for your site, you won't realiz
Why do you have a Web site? To make money, share your
views/interests/opinions with the world? Or just spread some
joy, kindness or inspiration? Whatever your reason is for
your site, you won't realize your goals or dreams if you
don't have anyone visiting!
Reciprocal links are becoming problematic, if you read the
recent articles circulating the Web. Search engines are
getting costly. Webrings can work if you have lots of room
on a main page for posting, but it's getting difficult to
find good size ones that will give you real traffic.
I've found a variation that is bringing increasing
attention to my sites, and it allows me to share my
interests with others and offer increased traffic to them.
Have you heard of Top Sites, or Best Sites, lists? I love
them. You go to a page that has a list of sites that
specifically relate to your interest. Something like
mini-directories. They have the benefits that reciprocal
linking used to have, without the hassles. Something of a
free advertising cooperative, actually.
They are such a nice idea that I decided to have my business
site sponsor several lists that appeal to the interests of
clients and site visitors. And I invite you to check them
out and add your sites! (There's no cost or obligation of
any kind!) Rank on the list will depend on votes (visits to
and from your site to the list). Your banner will be
displayed, and there's even room for a short description.
If your site fits any of these new "Best of" lists, feel
free to join! Absolutely no cost or strings, just exposure
for your site (and every site on the list) to an audience
interested in what you have to say or offer!
These "co-op banner pages" (I believe I just coined a
phrase!) can be a nice asset for any site promotion effort,
as well as a convenient place to look for resources for your
own interests. I figured it only takes a few minutes to set
up, so what could I lose? Nothing, it turns out...but I
gained visitors to my sites. Maybe you will, too.
You're welcome to join one of my top site lists, and if you start one, let me know!
Christmas Sites: