An online community could be a chat room, e-maildiscussion list, discussion forum or other technologiesthat allow groups of people to communicate at yourweb site. When you have a popular online communityit will increase your traffic and sales. Below are tenways to attract people to participate in your onlinecommunity.
1. Tell your visitors that you post a new, free offerevery day, week or month in your online community.The free offers should be attractive to your targetaudience.
2. Regularly schedule experts or famous guests toparticipate in your online community. You coulddesign it to be a virtual class or a question/answersession.
3. Post testimonials on your web site from peoplethat have participated in your online community.The testimonials could be about what people havelearned or liked while participating in it.
4. Don't allow blatant ads in your online communities.If people decide to visit your online community andsee a ton of ads they most likely won't be back.
5. Post all the benefits of participating in your onlinecommunity on your web site. You could write it likeyou're writing an ad for a product you're selling.
6. Submit your chat room, e-mail discussion list ordiscussion board to online community directories.You can find them by typing " the community type"with the word "directory" in any search engine.
7. Create an e-zine just for people who participatein your online community. Allow them to subscribefor free. When they receive each issue, it will remindthem to come back and participate in your community.
8. You (the owner of the online community) shouldparticipate regularly. Post information that will benefitthe other people. This will show them you care aboutyour online community members.
9. Have plenty of people to monitor your onlinecommunity. They could remove postings that turnaway people like profanity, spam and other off-subject postings.
10. Your online community should contain userfriendly features, like a search option for archiveddiscussions, easy posting or chatting options, emailupdates or digests, etc.
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