I recently experienced some very strange happenings with my website that made me realize how important Article Marketing is to my online home business income.
My online home business website usually enjoys good positions in the search results on the main search engines for the keywords that I have selected and optimized my site for. I keep check on these positions very regularly and one evening I noticed that the main page of my site was not appearing in the search results of Google. Some of the other pages of my site were appearing for the same keyword search, but lower down the order.
In my Google Webmaster Tools account, under the Index Stats, my main page did not appear in the list, yet the other pages of my site were clearly visible. If I clicked on the `current cache of your site` link the response was `no information available`. The `information we have about your site` link gave the save response. Yet, if I opened my site under the Google Toolbar, my site still scored a PR4. There was also no notification that I had violated Google’s quality guidelines. This was a very strange occurrence indeed.
Needless to say this can be very nerve racking as you never know for how long the site is going to be excluded from the search results. The other major concern is the effect this will have on your online home business income. Also there really is nothing you can do immediately to fix the problem as you are at the mercy of the search engines.
On checking my stat counter, where I expected to see a downward trend for the period my site was dropped from the search results, I was very surprised to see that there had been very little change.
The reason for this was that I have been regularly writing and publishing articles related to the theme and keywords of my website. While doing searches on Google in the hope of seeing the main page of my website reappear, I came across many of my articles positioned high up in the search results.
For some reason, I believe every now and again sites are dropped from the search results. Why this happens only the search engines can be certain. Some say this can occur if you make too many changes to your site in a short space of time. There are lots of explanations under the Help Section in the Google Webmaster Tools, but it appears to be very difficult to find out exactly why your site disappears. On this occasion, I was very fortunate in that my website reappeared in the search results 24 hours later.
This experience made me realize the very important role that article marketing does play in website promotion. Not only does article marketing build back links to your website, thus ensuring higher positions in the search results, but it also acts as a safety net when your main website is dropped from the search results, as your articles appear for the same keyword searches still giving visitors an option to click through to your website and ultimately ensuring continuity of your online home business income.
A great online home business marketing idea then is to ensure that the articles you write and publish are specific to the theme of your website and incorporate the keywords that you have optimized your site for.
This would also certainly reduce the anxiety one feels when your website goes down due to hosting or server problems.
This is very reassuring and motivates me to regularly write and publish articles based on the theme and keywords of my website, not only to ensure the continued presence of my website in the search results, via my website address in the Author`s Resource Box in the article, but more importantly to ensure continuity and consistency of my online home business income.
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