A blog is an online diary or as some people call them a weblog. They can be about any topic you would like to comment on.
Setting up a blog can seem to be a very difficult task for the non techie type out there. They(the techie types) talk about MYSQL, PHP and you need a reader to read a blog in. Then they say u gotta ping the blog.
Is that a new mixed drink or something ?
We talk to our children and they look at us as if we come from another planet.
All I want to do is blog.
My Dad being basically computer illiterate a short time ago. HMM I still think he is but I wont say it to often in this house.
I wrote these instructions for him and he had had no major problems setting up a blog.
The easiest way to start a blog in my opinion and you may wish to differ ;-) are detaled in the following steps:
You will need a reader to read the blog you make or someone elses that you subscribe to.
The 1st step is an easy way to get a reader that allows rss feeds to be pulled to your My page.
1. Go to www.yahoo.com and create a my yahoo page. If you have one already go to step 2.
2. Find a free blogging service. I reccomend www.blogger.com. They have simple and easy to follow instructions, even Dad could follow them ). Now follow the
instructions on the start page. Take your time and make sure you read the instructions. Do Not speed read them like Dad usually will do .
WOW Great job!!! Pat your self on the back.
Congratulations you have now created a blog.
3. Now open up the create new post in your new blog and write new post. Now publish it.
Now your a blogger
4. Now go back to www.yahoo.com and sign in to your "MY" account.
5. Now go to add content to your front page, upper left corner of your start page.Now click on RSS Headlines.
Now copy this and paste this url in The Add New Sources box on this page.
6. Now check Sources to add. This will ad the feed to your MY page.
7. Now repeat steps 4 and 5 with your blog URL.
Happy Blogging
Dealing with Digital Disease
A virus is a program that replicates itself. It cannot exist on its own so it attaches to another program, usually an executable one.What Are RSS Feeds?
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication." It’s a format that web sites and blogs can use to send updated headlines to you via services like My Yahoo!. My Yahoo! gathers the content you select from a variety of sources and displays it for you in one convenient location. Syndication means you don't have to visit each site individually to see what's new -- you simply scan headlines or brief article summaries and click to read the full text. That’s the "really simple" part. And it’s "really simple" for publishers to make their content accessible this way too.