To get contacts, you need to get some contact information. This is where the opt-in comes into play.
For a person who is interested in taking their online marketing business to the next level, there is a lot to think about when it comes to the opt-in process. As a matter of fact, any internet marketing guru you can find is going to tell you that the secret to developing long lasting contacts is in that first subscription interaction. If your prospects leave your squeeze page feeling that they can't trust your business, then you already have lost the battle. It's about time that you thought about the work you need to do to make the opt-in procedure quick, easy, and effective. This is much easier than it might at first seem.
The first thing you need to realize is that your prospects need to have a good reason to go through your opt-in process. Basically, what you are asking your prospects to do is to give you email addresses and maybe even other contact information. This means that you need to give them freebies, samples, or information that is so valuable that they won't mind giving you contact information. The least you can do is ensure that their information is secure. You can do this by putting a note in a good place that shows that you are using a top level security service to protect their information.
Single Opt-In List:
Not recommended by most of marketers. In this way, after subscriber filling out the opt-in form, he gets redirected to the download page.
Double Opt-In List:
In this way, only confirmed addresses will be added to the list. It decreases spam complaints and increases subscription rate.
Double Opt-In Process:
Remember that the opt-in process is not about making the sale upfront. On the contrary, this is about developing relationships and growing interest in your product. Ensure your prospects that you have information to offer them and that you have no intention of letting them down or of disappointing them. You can do this by finding out what the niche businesses in your industry do to offer premier service. Follow their lead, but add your own spin or specialty to the situation.
Squeeze Page Traffic - Increase Traffic and Sales
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So, you've gotten together a list of contacts. Where do you go from there?Affiliate Marketing - Making Profits From Viral Lists
Here you can get a brief description of affiliate marketing. You also can receive some tips for bringing your marketing skills to the next level.