If you haven't heard the term "podcast" yet, you will.
It's about to blow the world of online audio through theroof as every Tom, Dick and Shirley can now operate a highpowered Internet Radio station providing on-demand audio(and shortly, video) with nothing more than a microphone,simple software, and a little imagination.
Just like cable TV in the 1980's gave smaller networks andindividuals a voice on television, podcasting givesindividuals a voice (literally) through online audio.
Podcasting is actually the audio form of "blogging," whereindividuals share their thoughts in writing over time on adynamic webpage known as a "blog."
With blogging, subscribers and other blog publisherssubscribe to and cross promote each other's content bylinking to and writing about each other.
With podcasting, the author shares his or her thoughts inaudio form (MP3) and subscribers download and listen to theaudio either on their computers, burn the files to CD, ortransfer the files to one of the increasingly popularportable MP3 players.
In fact, the term "podcasting" draws its name from theiPod, created by Apple Computers.
Initially you might think the only people podcasting aregeeks and computer nerds, but that's not the case.
If you imagine "talk radio" meets "free cable access" thenyou have and idea of what pocasting is now and how it couldevolve in the future.
Right now, any idiot (like me) with a microphone andsomething to say can create an online radio show.
This type of access to media that reaches a world-widemarket enables smaller, niche publishers to develop aworld-wide following that just isn't monetarily feasible intraditional mass-media.
That means talk shows like "Chihuahua Breeding" or"Motorcycle Fashion Weekly" that could never hope to affordair time in a local market, can now develop an audience onthe Internet.
Log on to PodCastAlley.com to peruse a wide range ofavailable shows on everything from dog training to wineselection and tasting tips (one of the most popular).
Despite all this potential power, podcasting remains in aninfancy stage right now.
But, the Internet has always proven in the past that apowerful but simple technology will always find a way tomake itself felt quickly.
All it needs to explode is a few people to lead the way andshow exactly how to use the technology to entertain andeducate subscribers.
I also think two worlds will evolve for podcasting programpublishers, just like cable vs. network television.
Some content will remain free (network TV), while somesubscribers will gladly pay for more specific "niche" orpay-per-view content (cable TV).
As the quality of the programming increases along with morewidespread acceptance of the tools necessary to consume thecontent (MP3 players and portable video players),podcasting will grow to stand beside other mainstreammedia.
It won't happen overnight, and it won't penetrate everymarket, but as members of the "global village" seek to findand feel a connection with like-minded individuals,regardless of their physical location, podcasting providesa cheap, powerful, and innovative solution for that basichuman need.Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? "Turn Words Into Traffic" reveals the secrets for drivingThousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliatelinks... without spending a dime on advertising! Click Here> http://www.the-easy-way.com/traffic.html
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