The Thrill of Discount Codes

May 26


David Stack

David Stack

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There must be somewhat of a thrill being experienced by online shoppers who use discount codes. It is quite different from that which traditional couponers and grocery shoppers might experience. Whereas the latter go through this process of browsing Sunday newspapers, clipping, and enduring stares at the cash register while redeeming their coupons, an online shopper these days has a distinct experience. A rather distinct experience.

There must be somewhat of a thrill being experienced by online shoppers who use discount codes. It is different from that which traditional couponers and grocery shoppers might experience. Whereas the latter go through this process of browsing Sunday papers,The Thrill of Discount Codes Articles clipping, and enduring stares at the cash register while redeeming their coupons, the online shopper of today has a distinct experience. A rather distinct experience.

Even the initial process of window shopping is unique. We're talking digital "windows" here; Internet browsers with pages loaded at Amazon, or eBay, or the websites of favourite online merchants. The modern-day shopper no longer has to waste gas money or suffer from an aching arthritic foot while shopping around. His shopping cart is not metal; it's digital. He can spend all the hours of his day looking for a single item. His research entails having to type keywords at Google or clicking the link to an interesting product or service that a friend had E-mailed, or is selling at an online auction. These days, anyone can buy just about anything online.

One can also subscribe via E-mail to as many shopping catalogs as possible - without having to pay for postage. (This is not recommended, though; it is easy to get addicted, given how convenient it is.) Sometimes, there are even sales items online that one can't get in the physical stores.

And then there are the discount codes. They are also called online coupons, coupon codes, e-coupons, or promo codes. Before, shoppers made a habit out of clipping coupons from newspapers and cereal boxes, and sharing information on the latest deals and discounts by word of mouth. They had neat little holders that they carried on their way to the grocery or department store or to the shopping mall. Now, however, people are copying and pasting these weird syntaxes of numbers and letters that don't mean anything. Well - check that: these codes may be indecipherable but they help consumers save big in ways that we previously had not understood. They can even offer us free shipping.

But there's nothing like shopping from the comfort of one's computer desk and then getting cash back from an online purchase. No clipping necessary! No waiting! There would be no other customers waiting in line and moaning about how long it's taking to use coupons and avail of discounts. There would be no cranky sales ladies at the check out counter. While users usually go online shopping to save time, that doesn't mean that they can't save money.

It is indeed a different thrill. More and more people are abandoning not only their trolleys, but also their Sunday papers. These days there are plenty of websites that provide discount codes to surfers and Internet shoppers, and there are just as many merchants that have made their items valid for the use of these codes. The power of a single mouse click enables and promises instant gratification, which we get out of a purchase.

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