If you are the owner of a website you know how important it is to attract people to your website. In fact it's the most difficult part of the internet game. There is one way of promoting your website and that is through article marketing. Writing your own articles however is a real pain for most people. The alternative is PLR articles! The problem is finding the right place to get them. Let's look at the possibilities here.
So you write articles and submit them to the article directories. You can use them on Squidoo Lenses,

Hot Pages and the like, and because they contain links back to your website you will notice a big increase of traffic.
Ideally, you want a unique article for every single article directory and every single place. There is all sorts of talk going around about duplicate content and penalties associated with it. To be honest, nobody knows for sure because Google isn't telling. Just for safety sake, I've seen better results with submitting unique copies of articles.
So where do you get those keyword rich articles?
You can write them yourself if you find yourself capable enough to do so and if you have the time for doing it. The simple fact is that creating your own content involves a lot of brainstorming, researching, writing and editing if you want to provide high quality content to your consumers.
But if writing isn't your cup of tea and you can afford it than outsourcing is the way to go. There are hundreds of place on the internet where you can ask people to write about anything you want for a very affordable price.
However, the most interesting resource these days are PLR articles. PLR stands for Private Label Rights which means that you can do whatever you want with them even claim the authorship. Besides using them as normal articles you can bundle them in a pack, create an ebook with them, use them in emails or ezines and make a lot of money selling them as products.
Now there are a lot of websites that offer PLR articles and other digital products. There are PLR memberships where you have to pay a onetime fee or recurring monthly fees. This may be interesting if you are in a business where you need a lot of articles for different niches, but if you are looking for content for only a few websites you create now and then, a membership will be much to expensive.
Other PLR websites offer articlepacks that you can buy at a very low price at first sight. But when you go through these packs you will notice that they contain only a small percentage of articles about your niche. The rest is only going to collect dust on your harddrive.
The best way to get PLR articles is from a PLR VAULT that offers you the possibility to search for a collection of articles you really want and only pay for them and nothing else. So no expensive memberships, no worthless articlepacks but a highly targeting keyword rich search feature that gives you exactly what you are looking for.
A good PLR article Vault should have at least next features:
- a highly effective search feature based on categoryname.
- - over 50.000 articles in more than 1350 categories or niches.
- - the possibility to PREVIEW each article so you can check the quality first.
- - you buy what you order (no membership or one time fee, no articlepacks).
- - you get a FREE Automatic PLR Article Spinner with a large synonymdatabase.
- - every article you claim is kept in your Portfolio which you can download whenever you want.
- - impossible to order same article more than once.
- - very low price per article!
- - and many more features...
If you are looking for a niche to promote browse through the alphabetical categorylist, check the articles and you will surely find something of your interest! The possibilities are endless.