What Is The Best Way To Get Traffic To A Website
The way to succeed as affiliate marketer is to drive traffic to your website. No matter how convincing is your sales page or how good is your product, if no one see it, no one will purchase it. I must mention also and the quality of the traffic.
There is no doubt that the fastest way to get targeted traffic to your website is with PPC campaigns,

be it with Google Adwords or other program, but this is a risky method and you may lose money with it, not to mention how tight is the competition. In fact, competition you will have as long as you are in this business, but other methods are more costless than PPC advertising.
So, what is the best way to get traffic to a website? One very mediatized way is to join at the building list programs, but I personal consider this a source of low traffic or good-for-nothing traffic. It is the same as those companies which offer you paid advertising on one side and paid surfing on the other side. At these companies people are paid to look at your website for few seconds, much less paid than you are paying for this traffic and the result is that you have no buyers. Maybe one benefit would be that Alexa will increase your rank a little bit by counting these visitors, but I doubt that the effort deserves that. The building lists programs are combining marketers like you to watch reciprocal their websites, but everyone's desire is to sell his stuff or to increase his list, not to buy something, in other words you are wasting your time but ad least you don't (if you don't) pay for that.
What is the best way to get traffic to a website, then? The free, good old traffic is the best solution all the time since the Internet Marketing is a business. Unfortunately, you need some time until you get your website on the first page in Google, unless you don't come up with something unheard and unseen, in which case nobody will look for it. Google will always give priority to an older website for the same keyword, and I consider this fair. When someone is struggling to build a business and a reputation for ten years, you can not come over night with your website and claim the best spot on the page. You must deserve that spot somehow. Once more, the competition is in your way, and a serious keyword research and a good back links campaign can help you, but still takes time.
What is the best way to get traffic to a website? For sure, the article marketing is the most efficient method. Writing articles and submitting them to article directories is the fastest free way of getting traffic. The advantages of article marketing are enormous. You may pick up any keyword you consider that represents your product and has less competition and you may get on the first page in Google in the same day when you write the article. You will gain targeted traffic, because only people interested in your topic will read the article, and if they want to know more, they will definitely visit your website. Other webmasters looking for similary content will post your article on their websites and you gain one way link and multiple exposure for your article, implicitly for your website. Done correctly, this method of traffic generation is very effective. If you want to know more about the best way to get traffic to a website, visit my site.