Most webmasters know that writing and submitting articles is one of the crucial tactics that must be used to drive targeted traffic to their websites. Done properly, this technique alone will have hoards of hungry visitors clambering over each other to get to your website with the result that your earnings are skyrocketed into hyperspace and crowds of admirers come begging for the secrets of your success. Or will it?
Ok, maybe that’s a little bit of an exaggeration and I wouldn’t like to be accused of getting carried away, but the principle is the same. The fact is that relevant and well written articles will deliver honest to goodness targeted traffic to your website – and that is crucial to the success of any online business.
But if you are writing and submitting articles, and not getting the results you hoped for, then perhaps there are one or two things you should be looking at more closely. So let’s have a look at the main points and try to discern just what makes the difference between a Mr Popular Website and a Billy No Mates Website.
RelevancyKeep your articles on topic – for example; if your website is aimed at guitarists then make sure your article is about something related to guitars such as playing techniques, guitar construction, must-have accessories, etc.
Make sure also that your title appeals to your chosen audience – It is no good having a title that doesn't immediately identify your niche. By all means you should write eye-catching and appealing titles but keep them relevant!
QualityIs it well written? It really doesn't take any effort these days to spell check a document, so there is no excuse for sloppy spelling. You could also consider having somebody else read through your article to make sure it means what you think it means.
Make sure your articles are long enough! One of the things that will get your article bounced right back from a directory is if it does not fulfill the submission requirements, and all directories have a minimum word count. For maximum impact, and to fulfill any word count criteria there are, I would recommend making your articles 500 words or more.
ResourcefulnessTarget your resource box – If you are submitting articles for more than one website then change your resource box accordingly.
Always remember to submit your article to the right section of a directory – It's obvious, but an article about potholing activities in South Wales is not going to draw much attention in the cookery section.
Put Yourself AboutSubmit to more than one directory – It is not illegal or disloyal to submit your articles to more than one directory; heck this is about promotion, right? Consider also using an article submission service to save time and effort and really spread your articles around the web.
Don’t think that one or two articles will be enough. Write and submit as many articles as you can on your chosen theme and watch the resulting traffic grow exponentially.
In conclusion; writing and submitting articles to article directories is a very effective way to boost traffic to a website, so it is worthwhile spending some time perfecting the process to gain the maximum benefits. I don't pretend that this article is in itself a complete guide to article writing success, but I hope it goes some way towards helping you to succeed with your website promotion strategy.
Here's to your success!
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