When applied correctly, face makeup can transform a plain Jane into a stunning beauty and its no wonder that women spend crazily on cosmetics. Useful and practical tips go a long way in enhancing your looks.
Face makeup can be used to highlight one`s good features and also to camouflage the not-so-good features. Useful and practical tips go a long way in enhancing your looks. Some of the practical tips are:
1. Foundation forms the base of the face makeup and is applied after the face has been cleansed and moisturized. Wait for a few moments for the moisturizer to be absorbed before applying the foundation. Use your fingertips or a damp sponge to dab small dots of the foundation on the forehead,

nose, and cheek and chin area and blend well right into your hairline and jaw line.
2. Blending is the key to good makeup and cannot be stressed enough as proper blending will give a natural look to the face and not leave blotches here and there. Blot your face gently with tissue paper to absorb the excess foundation.
3. A concealer is a very versatile piece of cosmetic as it can hide pimples, scars, dark circles and blemishes on the face. Apply the concealer on the desired spot and spread it towards the edges and do not over-apply it as it will then look too obvious an attempt to hide some flaw.
4. Before putting on the eye shadow, apply a base of neutral color on the eyelids and do not try to match the eye shadow with your outfit. The eye shadow should suit your skin color. Dab the eye shadow on the entire length of the eye lid starting from the inside and moving outwards. 2 or 3 colors of eye shadow can be used together but some expert blending is required to give a smooth look. Stick to lighter or neutral colors for day wear but for the evenings, experiment with brighter, bolder colors or the smoky, smoldering look.
5. The eyeliner should be drawn as close to the lash line as possible to give the impression of thicker eyelashes. Although black is the favorite color for the eyeliner, blue, brown or navy blue can look equally stunning. In fact, the color of your eyes can be brought out magnificently by using the right eyeliner.
6. Mascara can literally be termed the `magic wand` as it can be used to coat the most meager of eyelashes to give the effect of full, lush eyelashes. Wait for the first coat to dry before applying the next coat and then using a mascara comb, run it through the eyelashes to shake off the excess mascara. An eyelash curler is also an invaluable cosmetic aid but the curling should be done before the applying the mascara.
7. Chapped lips should be treated with a lip balm before applying lipstick. A thin base of foundation on the lips will allow the correct tone of the lipstick to show. Lips can be first outlined with a lip liner which is slightly darker than the lipstick color but of the same tone and then the lips can be filled in with the lipstick with a lip brush. The shape of the lips can be corrected with the help of the lip liner. Using a lip brush helps give an even coating of color to the lips. A lip gloss on the middle of the lips will give a fuller look to the lips.
8. The blusher should be chosen according to one`s skin tone. If using powder blusher, put some on the brush and shake off the excess powder before the application. Smile while applying the blusher and put it on with upward strokes towards the ears. Again, blending is the key to perfect application and for contouring the face.
So, the right face makeup can enhance any woman`s natural looks even if she is not Helen of Troy!