Kids bunk beds are the most common types of bunk beds. Adult bunk beds differ as they are typically more functional, such as bunk beds used in the military. Conversely, kids bunk beds often serve a more entertaining purpose – to get kids excited to go to sleep.
Kids bunk beds are exciting. Many children, particularly those who recently graduate from a crib, want a “big kid bed”. And, bunk beds are clearly the most entertaining type of bunk beds since they allow the child to sleep with a sibling and are easy to play in.
However, kids bunk beds come with safety risks. The major safety risk is injuries resulting from kids falling from their beds. This is usually caused from kids playing haphazardly. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep kids bunk beds safe. To begin, it is critical to use side guardrails on both sides of the upper bunk. These guardrails must be secure in case the kids move around/roll during sleep. Likewise, it is a good rule not to allow children under the age of six to sleep in the upper bunk. In addition, ladder safety is important. Teach your kids how to safely use the ladder of the bed, and that horseplay on the ladder or upper bunk is not acceptable. Finally, in rooms with kids bunk beds, a night light is advisable in case the child in the top bunk wakes up during the night and has to exit the bed.
Most kids will love you for getting them a bunk bed, and will be more excited than ever to play in their rooms (rather than watching TV) and go to sleep at night. And, by following safety precautions and purchasing a quality bed, kids bunk beds can also satisfy the needs of parents.
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