Beat the Heat with a Cooling Vest
A cooling vest may be just what your business needs to improve the working conditions of any crew. Spending long hours under the sun is a difficult wo...
A cooling vest may be just what your business needs to improve the working conditions of any crew. Spending long hours under the sun is a difficult work environment,

but managing your employees’ temperatures while on the job is an absolute necessity. A comfortable crew is less likely to get bogged down because of the sun, and therefore, less likely to get a heatstroke as well. The good news is that these vests are highly affordable, comfortable to work in and effective. As a business owner, you need this type of product to manage your employees’ safety.
Several products on the market can work for your specific needs. The two main types of products are evaporative cooling products and vests that use gel packs. In both cases, the use of the vest will help to reduce the amount of heat that the body feels during the working shift. This minimizes the amount of down time for your employees. Consider these products, along with hard hat cooling products, to determine if these items are beneficial to your needs.
The first type of product to consider is a vest that uses evaporative technology. The vest is soaked in water for about one to two minutes and is then placed on the worker. The vest will provide between five to ten hours of relief from heat while it is being worn. In many ways, this is the best route to take because of its long-term effectiveness. Still, it is not the only option for cooling your employees in the hot sun.
Another type of cooling vest is a type that uses gel packs. The vest itself fits the body comfortably. There are various pouches throughout the vest that lay against the person’s body. A gel pack is inserted into each of the pouches. The gel packs are lightweight and are able to safely and reliably reduce the temperature of the individual. In most cases, this is one of the safest routes to take to minimizing the overall comfort of your employees who are working in the heat.
To determine the best products for your working needs, you should carefully compare several products. Determine the type of work that the employee will be doing to see if the gel pack or the evaporative cooling product is a better option. In addition to this, consider the budget you have and the number of vests you will need to keep on hand for employees to use. Hard hat cooling products are also available and can be an excellent addition to these vests. However, there are other products that are both comfortable and effective, including cotton outback style hats and neck shade caps.
By investing in a cooling vest for each of your employees, you allow the employees to work more contentedly under the hot sun. If you do not offer these benefits, you could find that your employees will struggle to get work done because of dehydration and exhaustion. In addition to this, you improve the overall working mood of your employees with the use of these vests. Most vests are inexpensive and will have safety features. There is no reason not to invest in a product like this for your crew, especially during the hot summer.